FA Mission 3 - Red Flag

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FA Mission 3 - Red Flag

Postby speed2 » 24 Jan 2017, 20:18

FA Mission 3 - Red Flag

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Re: FA Mission 3 - Red Flag

Postby Mwthorn » 18 May 2017, 21:43

I've noticed Rhiza's AI has some interresting parts, here is the following I have noticed:
- Rhiza's early built of ASFs are very useful to see them defending my position while I prepare my base. No need for that much AA.
- The addition of the controllable GC is helpful but not noticable. Probably because no voice or any notification is shown that she has built one.
- The part of which she will be "cleaning up" after each section is really slow with just the standard attack groups she sends.
- Rhiza keeps sending attack groups to the current objectives which is nice to see her part in the battle as well.
- At the second section, I noticed Rhiza's defenses changed a little bit. Her forces were now patrolling parts of my base. Nice!

As I'm usually a fan of AIs: I suggest that Rhiza should expand to any of the destroyed seraphim bases and build T3 naval units.
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Re: FA Mission 3 - Red Flag

Postby Idontknowman » 28 Sep 2017, 01:33

2 issues that aren't bugs:
1) Rhiza's ACU AI:
-it doesn't check or care how many enemies are there where the ACU is ordered to go
-there's no 'low health' retreat script for Rhiza's ACU
Her ACU is constantly being used to rebuild destroyed front line defenses, even after the mission's start while a lot of Seraphim naval units are attacking Rhiza's base, resulting in almost getting herself killed right at the start, despite a pre-installed shield. After that there's still a good chance for that to happen while her ACU is used for rebuilding destroyed front line defenses or by blowing up the energy reactor her ACU is rebuilding. Rebuilding should be left to engineers and the ACU AI shouldn't go near masses of enemies without some appropriate amount of guards and in any case use a retreat script below x% health.

2) Rhiza's base:
There's not enough defense, only T2 shields and those don't even cover all the structures at the top of her base. Either should the T2 shields be torn down later to be replaced by T3 shields or addtional T3 shields, covering the not yet covered structures, should be added along with proper defenses and some good amount of tech-appropriate units guarding the upper left side of her base. Otherwise the top of her base constantly falls to a hand full of Seraphim naval units attacking there.
Edit: Some submarines guarding the naval factories would also be a wise choice as her ACU sometimes just stands around and does nothing, resulting in enemy subs taking her out.

I ended up reinforcing Rhiza's base with extra shields and proper defense to make her stop dying after minding my own business, resulted in her dying (=teleporting out) twice in a row. Btw. played this mission solo as I was testing FaF while it's intended for up to 4 players.
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