I'm surprised I'm the first one to post here. Oh well, that's a good thing actually
Hey there. I encountered a bug related to the protection of the research facilities.
I was at the point when all I had to do was kill the Cybran commander, and leave the planet. Since the first objective was optionnal, I could beat this mission despite the bug, but not completing all objectives felt like a loss.
So the Cybran destroyed the research facility Delta (the one top left of our base) and the camera moved to show it's destruction, as usual. However, the camera got stuck here and I had to finish the mission with the HUD disabled. I'm guessing the game was considering the mission over since I already lost another research lab early on, but at this point in the mission you're not supposed to keep them alive anymore so it stayed here.
If you need the logs, I'll see if I can remember how to get them. Thanks for your time, and thanks for adapting the campaign to FAF !