Seraphim Campaign Ideas

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Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby speed2 » 12 Feb 2016, 20:25

I would like to share my ideas for Seraphim missions that could one day lead to full campaign. Help is needed with some better story than "kill everything" even though one of the mission below is currently just that :D So feel free to share your ideas for missions. In best case scenario use Paint for your ideas to give a sketch of the map with explanations what should be where and what should happen and so on. I'll keep track of the best ideas that can be elaborated more in this first post. Also feel free to PM me on FAF and we can talk it through.

So far I have ideas for few missions:
  • they are not in chronological order

Novax Station Assault
  • +-20x40km at max
  • Designed for 2 players, supports 4 - In the first part of the mission only first 2 players are given units, if you play with more people... sharing is caring
  • Player start without any base in the middle of ocean. Order Aircraft carrier and Tempest is providing units for player to destroy UEF basee on the island. Once that's done ACU's gate in.
  • Player seraphim, second player Order or AI if you're playing alone. SACUs for other 2 coop players.
  • In second part of the mission your task is to destroy cybran and uef base. They are on two main inslads.
    • There will be some small support bases.
    • Map will expand to another stage after certain time even if player havent finished objectives yet.
  • Main objective comes in the last part of the mission. There is a Novax research facility and you're task is to destroy it. It's located behind UEF main base. Several Novaxes are already in the air causing all kinds of troubles.
    • There will be also Cybran base supporting UEF base.
    • Some hidden attack of nuke subs/ air from atlantis might come as well
    • small expansion bases for both uef and cybran
  • And some more surprises if I come up with them :D
  • Map for this mission is done, since Im using one of the original 80km maps. First part of the mission is not in this picture.


You can watch videos how it's done on my youtube channel.

Test vesion:!Ah4nGYib!UFcj6W1A9fQw-Ax45z27S6VFoSJcI85HEhAkrmiJ3No (updated 4.11.2016)

Mission 2
  • 20x20km max
  • For at least 2 players
  • Players will start at the sides with objective to capture some civilian building (story purpose needed :D help)
  • They will have two bases to kill on the way, later their bases.
  • Then defending the building for some time, attacks from mainly naval, but also some Land and Air will come.
  • This is what I have so far for this one, keep the ideas coming.
  • Enemy faction not decided yet, UEF would be nice cause playing against UEF battleships will be annoying, but I'm open for ideas. (maybe it wont be seraphim mission at all? just an idea for now for a naval defense mission)

  • Thanks Blodir for the map

Fort Clarke Assault
  • Remake of first FA mission
  • Players will start in top right corner, up to 4 players.
  • Objectives are clear, destroy Fork Clarke and kill UEF Commander reinforcing Fork Clarke (the one you play as in FA campaign)

First try for the intro:

Fort Clarke Assault Beta V6
  • Play in Coop tab
All objectives are in place how they'll most probably stay.
First two parts are "done". When map expands the second time, that part is half way done. Some attack that will be larger in near future. But anyway I could use to know how strong it currently is and if you have problems with that or now, since the mission kinda forces you not to turtle.

Please keep in mind if you have problems on Hard difficulty and you're not let's say 1500+ then try medium :)
(yes I've beaten it no problem)

So test as much as you can, suggest improvements, bugs, you're fafourite actor, anything :D

Voice Overs are not done yet, that's why you won't see a single video now, so don't panic cause of that.

Other mission I can remake would be 3rd and 6th

Not looking for just someone to give voice for seraphim but mainly for someone who can make the effect of seraphim voice.

P.S. It's much easier and faster to do mission when I already know what to do and don't need tot think about everything during that. Also if map is ready or at least somehow almost not ready :D (at least highlighted where hills and water will be.
Last edited by speed2 on 12 Jul 2016, 20:34, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby Kalvirox » 12 Feb 2016, 20:59

You could make it an alternative story line as to the seraphim invasion, something to do with how humanity killed them (which brought the aeon into the eternal war in the original game) and revenge.. Or some such stuff.

Also, why not start the game a mission that is the initial invasion of earth.
You would have to watch the campaign trailer but The rift opens in the pacific or some shit doesn't it? Maybe you could have the first 2 missions dedicated to crushing some UEF strongholds (Because the UEF owned earth). Then go from there?
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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby speed2 » 12 Feb 2016, 21:01

Kalvirox wrote:You could make it an alternative story line as to the seraphim invasion, something to do with how humanity killed them (which brought the aeon into the eternal war in the original game) and revenge.. Or some such stuff.

Also, why not start the game a mission that is the initial invasion of earth.
You would have to watch the campaign trailer but The rift opens in the pacific or some shit doesn't it? Maybe you could have the first 2 missions dedicated to crushing some UEF strongholds (Because the UEF owned earth). Then go from there?

Well check FA intro, rift opened and 1000000000 T4bombers crushed Earth :D wasn't too much of a fight
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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby Kalvirox » 12 Feb 2016, 21:06

speed2 wrote:Well check FA intro, rift opened and 1000000000 T4bombers crushed Earth :D wasn't too much of a fight

Good point xD.

Maybe some moon-base colony needs destroying or some shit and its a mission to prove yourself to the seraphim high commander.
[SFo]T4ffytr0n2014: You can tell Kalvirox comes from the south by what he is having for lunch
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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby Cheva » 12 Feb 2016, 23:56


It would be cool to see a Sera campaign.

Maybe something with some internal seraphim conflicts to become the seraphim champion where you are restricted to certain units.

Who is to say that the gateway they used to invade was not in the control of some ancient Aeon colony's who defended the area with ground turrets that needed to be disabled. Seeing as the ancient aeon viewed them as being corupt.

Maybe an early version of QAI existed in deep space. The results of doctor brackman trying to secure a far away home for his people. Over time these outcast cybran colonies battled with the seraphim using stealth tactics.

Once on earth you could have more of a story where the seraphim need to battle back against aeon, uef and cybran on each mission. Where the seraphim are essentially trying to get fuel to keep their fleet supplied.

Just wanted to throw some ideas around.

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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby biass » 13 Feb 2016, 09:43

Mission 2 map looks like the level where you free aeon loyalists and defeat a QAI controlled acu, maybe theme the level off of either after/before that? gives you options to place whatever enemies you wish
Map thread:

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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby Comrade_Shamrock » 13 Feb 2016, 15:25


In terms of coherent plot for a campaign I can't think of much beyond kill everything in sight. But if I remember right at the start of the FA campaign they say the Seraphim have "found us." So the plotline could be helping to locate Fort Clarke or other strongholds. And then the FA campaign takes over in terms of storyline. You could do some things parallel if you wanted.

As for Chevalier's idea for internal divisions, sounds cool. A possible one is what the plans for what they do with Kael's followers after they've won. Some for killing them, some against. Or the use of QAI some might be uncomfortable with it. Or some feel they are pushing a too aggressive strategy.

As for possible missions I'm not sure. I don't think I'd be good in terms of gameplay ideas. But if you need story for it I'd be happy to help. Like for mission two biass suggests theming it after the Loyalist mission. It might work you could also be trying to capture some high ranking UEF official, a brigadier or some such who was visiting his family possibly to extract information. Then you have to hold out until you can get him off world. Bonus objective to capture his family too. :twisted:

For mission 1 since it's going to be a simple introduction you could have the player securing the area around Earth so the Rift can't be attacked while it's unstable.

Let me know if you want help with the story.
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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby wasdf » 13 Feb 2016, 16:08

Maybe when alot of ideas have been thrown around we can have a poll on it?

I like the internal conflict idea too, Maybe the first mission should be a very brutal mission were you slaughter civilians with the only goal of destruction, and the next mission you just don't feel right anymore and remember the exiles who didn't want to go to war anymore too (this is the story right? or am i making stuff up). they could betray the main army, which is a death sentence, so they get hunted down by them, while trying to contact the coalition (while first getting hunted by the coalition too, before they realize the main army wants them dead too). And maybe in the end when they were a day away from a rendevous with the coalition they could perish?

Or maybe something about the UEF encounter with the seraphim exiles, and the becoming of the aeon also seems nice, though you can't include the cybran in that campaign i guess?
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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby Ithilis_Quo » 13 Feb 2016, 16:39

speed2 wrote:
Kalvirox wrote:You could make it an alternative story line as to the seraphim invasion, something to do with how humanity killed them (which brought the aeon into the eternal war in the original game) and revenge.. Or some such stuff.

Also, why not start the game a mission that is the initial invasion of earth.
You would have to watch the campaign trailer but The rift opens in the pacific or some shit doesn't it? Maybe you could have the first 2 missions dedicated to crushing some UEF strongholds (Because the UEF owned earth). Then go from there?

Well check FA intro, rift opened and 1000000000 T4bombers crushed Earth :D wasn't too much of a fight

Ithis(= it is/this is) fixable :)

Rift open and shitons of t4 bomber come from rift, but this shitons can be about +-30 +lot of gunships and asf, can destroy some first well defense base on start, lets say first 2 minute. and then 20 nuke fall on anihilate base whitch can destroy most of seraphin force. (idealy whiteout sound that say nuke was fired to suprise sera player). this can be solved with some talking animation, so player will not lock on units that much because nothing is hapening game border are small so it big changce that nuke destroy at least half of them. And after the nuke fall and do it work map expand for realy big map with goal destroy everything! Other parth of campain after this shock break can be destroy with rest UEF base on earth that should be very well defence. It can be realy hard mision, while you cant build units and have only what come from start, map should be big and static AA, shileds and lot of production everywhere that is also run for time while sera have shock advantage but its going worse and worse after time as is uef AI producing asfs on all fronts.

-> that can be about 3th mision.

first +second mission

should be retrospective, where UEF anihilate pacefull seraphin base, before aeon nation rise. -> this would need some units restriction, on uef side, and also on sera, to keep then werly weak., main goal of mission should be evacuade much seraphin beaing as is poisble, before uef cone and crash them. then need reclaim as much sera building as is posible to dont take then own technology.

2th mision -> on same planet, but now with uef ally -> future aeon, go for revolt and fight against uef conquest. Goal of mission should not be win, it would not be posible. but goal should be alive enought to bring some sera secret technology to uef->future aeon ally. This should be in game something about:
-defending own base against invasion +
- go with some own small armys+uef ally to conqer (neutral - enemy) seraphin posts where are civil/ technology building taht ally then capture. this posts can be multiple, while produce enought armys and capture enought neutral posts mision would be wictory. after taht map reval some heavy T3 artilery/mavor posts that destroy sera main base in few seconds.

1+2 mission are as prequesl of vanila campain -> so would be nice when would be in game only vanila units, and on seraphin not t3/t4 units

3th mission is continual with FA campain, and looks on game from seraphin perspective. After mission 3. we can go for another missionst taht i have no clue on this moment what should be about on story telling. But will found something.
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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby Ithilis_Quo » 13 Feb 2016, 17:24

Ok i have plane for 4th and 5th mission. but this is basicly for archive reason while its already discused with speed and tokyto. And while someone want to translate it then would be fine...

4th misia, about how qui go on seraphin side:

4th mission seraphin comander will teleport on cybran hq planet for some peacfull talk about aliance against UEF -> uef was that one who crash old seraphin planed before valina, so at first it looks like seraphin are goin only for revange, they orginal plane is anihilate everyting, but cybran dont know that on thta time.

So sera comander is on cybran palned with cybran comander, and talk abut some aliance against uef and cybran freedom while crush uef, cybran comander would quite agree but would want some conditions from victory, and some sure that will be in peace. Sera comander will say taht he dont come negotiate, but say them what they want from them, and on that moment kill cybran comander. here start mission,

sera goal is build base and destroy cybran defence that is contolled by qui and final goal would be capture some pripar HQ buildinging that will slave qui on seraphing side.

5th mission about how aeon order join on seraphin side:

-before mission sotrytelling -> ideal mission before this mission, that say aeon princes diseapear -> this was also in main faf campain.
on mission start seraphin would defend some position against hard army that would be from aliance uef/cybran/aeon. And on some point while seraphin start losing will another aeon army -> order join to seraphin side for religion reason. They will have some talk with sera comander, that will explain situation and reasons. -> aeon princes diseaper from world existance -> because real goods come and then its not reason to have god whittnes in world so they go on heaven. (some similaritis with jesus :D) they will explain how great and eternal seraphin are and that its they duty to help seraphin for all cost. And thats it. They join on sera side with all and goal of mission would be together defend sera position and anihilate aliance forces.
- about order, when princes come back thay will call her threter, or not real princes, because the real one is in heaven while gods are there.
This will create big schizma in aeon nation, while half of aeon will join to order, while they are quite religion fundamental sociaty, and while goods are here how they can fight against them, they need help them. so royalist on aeon should be small company that need help aliance and reconqer -> repersuady most of own nation
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