Hey, as a friend of Platinumizer and the founder of our awaited clan, I'd like to post some additional details of our situation and our request.
My faf friends and I have decided to create our own clan called Mediocre at Best.
Problem being the clan tag MAB is already in use by this clan:
https://clans.faforever.com/clan/919What we request is that an official would either remove this clan or preferably edit the clan tag to something other than MAB on the following grounds:
The already existing clan is only comprised of a single player, who at that has been inactive for over half a year, while our awaited clan comprises of at least 5 confirmed members, all of whom are active players.
Although it can be argued upon, I believe our clan name (Mediocre at Best) is more fitting and relevant to the tag MAB than "66th Mechanised Assault Battalion".
Now we do realise how selfish this request is, but if we bypass unnecessary social morals for the sake of this case, I do believe it will pay off.
As I see it, the reasoning above for our request surpass the minuscule moral constraints that would otherwise prevent one from editing this poor guy's clan in favour of another.
We would much rather to simply present the founder of that clan with our situation and nicely ask him to edit the clan tag himself, but as we only know the guy by his faf name, and given he is long time inactive, we have no way to contact him.
P.S I would suggest that inactive single member clans will be cleansed of their tag after a certain amount of inactivity period, as to preserve clan tags to new contenders. As it is now, there are many inactive, single-player clans that only act as a placeholder for clan tags. This needs fixing.
Please do consider our request, we would appreciate it beyond words!
Thanks your time and apologies for such an unorthodox request.