After two months year of coding, and about 350 1500 test games, i finally finished my mod that fixes most balance issues and improves gameplay. Every change i did is calculed, and then tested, but something might still be wrong. If you found something, please give me feedback and replay, if its valid argument i will fix it. I want it to be as good as posible.
You can find this mod in the mod vault under name: "Equilibrium_balance_mod" bur while mod vault is broken
You can download the mod right here as well:!g9BGCSDa!tYUMPLvXKn0CKGX5rkfl1Je7V29xbPF6peJHM613u7Y
To install simply unpack into your mods folder, and enable in game. It works pretty much out of the box.
Here is complete change log that describes most of the changes, even excel version with all unit stat can be found in mod files (units stats.xsl).
The complete changelog is way too long to read, it's only there to searching for specific information.
Spoiler: show
SURVIVELE MANUAL (what need to know before start play):
Spoiler: show