Hello EatThePath,
There could be some reason why the AI is building to much nukes.
Maybe you have disabled nukes, but you are using nuke submarines. They also count as nuke launcher even if they can't fire.
Or most likely you have disabled omni view for the AI.
In this case the AI does not know if or how much nuke launcher the enemy has, and it will buld as much defense as it can.
(the adaptive AI can only adapt if you have omni view on. Without it, it will build like the rush AI with a bit less eco for army than the rush AI.)
And also a reason, the AI has lost its commander. Because Omni view is bound to the ACU, the AI will start to build defenses without the commander.
You should also know, the experimental AI can't buils nukes or nukedefenses in the mainbase.
But because its using expansion builders from the adaptive AI, only expansions are able to build nukes or defenses.
So if you use the experimental AI, disable landexpansions, and its no longer able to build buke stuff.
Just in case you can read programmscripts, these are the builder for anti missile defenses:
https://github.com/Uveso/AI-Uveso/blob/master/lua/AI/AIBuilders/Base%20Defense.lua#L664Just a smal explanation to the BuilderConditions:
- Code: Select all
BuilderConditions = {
{ UCBC, 'UnitsGreaterAtEnemy', { 0 , categories.STRUCTURE * categories.NUKE * categories.SILO } },
This builder will trigger if the enemy has more then 0 (zero) buildings with a nuke category. (only works with omni view on, or it will return always true)
- Code: Select all
BuilderConditions = {
{ UCBC, 'HaveUnitRatioAtLocationRadiusVersusEnemy', { 1.20, 'LocationType', 90, categories.ANTIMISSILE, '<', categories.NUKE) } },
And this ratio builder will build a nuke defense based on the enemy launcher count.
Ratio 1.2 means it will build 4 defenses if the enemy has 5 nuke launchers
(Also only works if omni is enabled)
I hope this helps a bit to understand why the AI is building to much defenses in some cases.