Coop mod/missions suggestions/testing

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Re: Coop mod/missions suggestions/testing

Postby SGz_Eliminated » 08 Jan 2017, 01:50

Nothing new to report but just wanted to say I had the exact same problems Burnstreet mentioned, although mission 2 didn't end? the camera just kept rotating around the area endlessly, no idea if that is what is supposed to happen or not. I don't have the logs unfortunately since my log file was bugged and it was somehow 246 MB's
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Re: Coop mod/missions suggestions/testing

Postby speed2 » 20 Jan 2017, 13:25

I have a mission for you to test, it's improved Aeon misison 4 Entity!8poXyTwA!St6q94tUVoXP ... eVJEOPPIQg (Updated 23.1.2017)

unpack it into your maps folder, host any mission and in the lobby select "Aeon Mission 4 - Entity, speed2 Test"

Leave some replays for me to watch so I can improve it further.
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Re: Coop mod/missions suggestions/testing

Postby speed2 » 23 Jan 2017, 03:13

New version, in the post above ^^
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Re: Coop mod/missions suggestions/testing

Postby Blast_Chilled » 23 Jan 2017, 15:11

Aeon Mission 4 v3 coop

Spoiler: show
plz add monkey :twisted:
(Some pauses in the game)
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Re: Coop mod/missions suggestions/testing

Postby KeyBlue » 26 Jan 2017, 02:31

Just played with photonic and everywhere.

Not really much difficulty with so many players i guess.
So went smooth, mostly struggled with unitcap.

Ending is pretty anti-climactic. Basicly waiting game after grabbing the nodes.

Oh and i had to give photonic a copy of the movies to avoid a desync. Thought that only sound was the issue...
coop with 3
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