Seraphim Campaign Ideas

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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby Plasma_Wolf » 01 Mar 2016, 22:53

I haven't been on here for a while, so I just saw this.

When it comes down to the story, I always refer to dotswarlock for the story itself and the eventual ending, which is happy for the humans.

A summary of dots'

Before and up to WWII. Seraphim observe humans and see them as a species that evolves faster than anything else (in terms of technology) but they also see how willing they are to accept the consequences of what they do (pollution, war etc). They give up on the humans after the nuclear bombs destroying Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Somewhere between WWII and the discovery of the Seraphim by humans: seraphim discover the quantum realm, a place where the change in energy would allow you to live indefinitely and see two options.
1. The quantum realm is an evolutionary dead end.
2. Not going to the quantum realm is to refuse to evolve.

The Seraphim can't decide on which path to take and go to war (as this was something they have learned from humans).
Pretty much the entire galaxy is ravaged before they decide that each Seraphim can choose as they want. Those who want to go to the quantum realm go there (build the gateway on Alpha 7). Those who don't stay behind on one planet (Seraphim II).

Fast forward to Black Sun being fired (in dotswarlock's it's a combination of several victories. The Avatar of War is killed by an unlikely alliance and the princess spreads the message of peace): QAI (already under control of the Seraphim) opens the realm to the quantum gate and lets a load of Ahwassas in.

The Seraphim make some people on the Aeon their puppets, creating the order. Shortly after arriving, they attack the Cybran Nation, which has its military completely devastated. This happens in Dots' 6th book.

The UEF and Cybrans form an alliance, and eventually allow the Loyalists in as well (books 7 and 8). Meanwhile the Seraphim are as unstoppable as in book 6.

Book 9 goes on about using Seraphim tech acquired (in book 8), this gives an explanation in the complete rebalance between original SupCom and Forged Alliance. Book 10 is the timeline from the 4th mission to the last of Forged Alliance.

After book 10, the remaining Seraphim are in hiding, mostly because they are now at a disadvantage in numbers and eventually technology.

In that setup, you could actually change the balance of missions to make the game reflect the broken balance. However, this is more of a challenge for the alliance than the Seraphim, since they're so much stronger than the humans in books 6-8.

What you could do is make a Seraphim vs Seraphim mission in their own war (quantum realm decision), and stuff after book 10.

A mission for book 6 could be: Attack and destroy a Cybran settlement, in which you're severely outnumbered but your own weapons are so much better (dots made the seraphim ACUs have insane regen vs the firepower of other weapons and made them invulnerable vs the ML,GC and CZAR laser, he even got the ML to blow up because of its own laser instead).

Anywhere between 9 and 10 can be regular missions. Maybe a prelude mission for the seraphim to the game's mission 2. There the Loyalist movement had spies in the order, which were detected. Then an entire operation was endangered. Simple mission: attack and destroy a Loyalist settlement before a timer runs out (i.e. before they power the quantum gate to evacuate the settlement, you could possibly change the timer's pace by the number of power generators they have).
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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby Blodir » 01 Mar 2016, 23:00

@Plasma_Wolf: what is your FAF name? I would like to abduct you
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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby everywhere116 » 02 Mar 2016, 00:41

speed2 wrote:New test version:

Fort Clarke Assault Beta V7
  • Download
  • Click on Download thought your browser
  • Get beta patch and coop launcher here viewtopic.php?f=42&t=11868
    • Today I've updated the mod, so everyone download new version of beta patch ^^
  • What's new:
    • Stronger experimental attack, UEF joins the attack, so far only on land and air
    • Fort Clarke base updated
    • Fort Clarke builds attacks
    • Aeon Naval base builds units and Tempest during last objectives
    • Nuke Party added (don't worry, you are not on the target list... yet :twisted:
    • Signs of Cinematic intro before every objective (still needs much love)

In your opinion does this make the mission harder? Because I couldn't beat it on hard mode the first time around.....
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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby speed2 » 02 Mar 2016, 00:47

everywhere116 wrote:
speed2 wrote:New test version:

Fort Clarke Assault Beta V7
  • Download
  • Click on Download thought your browser
  • Get beta patch and coop launcher here viewtopic.php?f=42&t=11868
    • Today I've updated the mod, so everyone download new version of beta patch ^^
  • What's new:
    • Stronger experimental attack, UEF joins the attack, so far only on land and air
    • Fort Clarke base updated
    • Fort Clarke builds attacks
    • Aeon Naval base builds units and Tempest during last objectives
    • Nuke Party added (don't worry, you are not on the target list... yet :twisted:
    • Signs of Cinematic intro before every objective (still needs much love)

In your opinion does this make the mission harder? Because I couldn't beat it on hard mode the first time around.....

Well ofc it does, since there are more attacks. There will be even more, but also more balanced.

In best case scenario not everyone should be able to beat the mission on hard. I dont want GPG original "hard" difficulty as I find it super easy.
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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby everywhere116 » 02 Mar 2016, 02:45

Would you recommend dashing outwards immediately and trying to capture the other 5 or so mexes quickly before the first 20 mins or up? Because I didn't do that and I think that may have been the problem.....also lack of space in my corner to build factories, which could have been it too.
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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby speed2 » 02 Mar 2016, 02:55

everywhere116 wrote:Would you recommend dashing outwards immediately and trying to capture the other 5 or so mexes quickly before the first 20 mins or up? Because I didn't do that and I think that may have been the problem.....also lack of space in my corner to build factories, which could have been it too.

Definitelly, you need to expand to get extra mexes, reclaim everything you find. I had no problems having decent T3 land army, ASFs and starting T2 naval spam when map expanded. Almost full T3 mex.
(some of the testers had even a nuke already)
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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby everywhere116 » 02 Mar 2016, 02:58

I did build a nuke and got a couple of them off (depending on save file. Thank god for save files btw) but they didn't hep, at least not enough

Does nuking the 5 UEF bases between you and Ft. Clarke actually reduce the UEF's unit flow at all?
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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby G51 » 02 Mar 2016, 05:27

There are three campaign missions described in the movies.
According to the Vanilla Supreme Commander, the first part of Seraphim Mission is to defend a Seraphim planet against the Earth Empire (UEF&Cybran).
The second one should be that Seraphim heard from the QAI and then carried on a massive attack on the Black Sun Cannon ( the map same with the vanilla coop mission 6)
According to the film shown first in Forged Alliance, the third one occured in a city. The Seraphim managed to defeat General Clark, Rhiza and Dostiya, and destroy the spaceship. Finally, General Clark was killed.
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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby Plasma_Wolf » 02 Mar 2016, 15:00

Niihau was just bombed into oblivion along with the rest of Earth, with the use of the Ahwassas.

The mission leading to Clarke's death on Capella could be a nice one: enemy commanders are defending on the outskirts of the city (there's no way to make a map of the city itself). Destroy those within a timeframe.
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Re: Seraphim Campaign Ideas

Postby theeggroll » 02 Mar 2016, 16:30

Finally someone else who read those books ^
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