Ahwassa can get instant air control with stop-bombing. Not cool. If ASF flew higher than it, this wouldn't be a problem.
"But panties, why is that a problem?"
- Every unit in the game has a natural counter, and no unit can mass efficiently counter its counter. This is what makes the game so engaging -- there is no "build this and win" (excluding metagames on turtle maps like Thermo/Gap where the first team to make a t3 arty wins), nor is it rock-paper-scissors. The game is about scouting and using your mass better than your opponent.
The counter to AW is ASF. Stop-bombing kills all ASF chasing a AW. It's hard to do right, sure, but I don't think we should reward people practicing micro with instant air control. I don't have a problem with stop-bombing, actually. If you want to spend your APM that way, go ahead. But stop-bombing t1 bombers kills some engies, some power, and maybe gets a vet or two. It doesn't kill everything that could possibly kill the bomber while vetting it 3x. Stop-bombing a AW does this.
I suggest changing the height because I'm guessing making stop-bombing impossible is impossible and because I don't actually have a problem with stop-bombing, just that it can kill 150 ASF and if done properly is impossible to avoid.
***Corrected from Yolona to Ahwassa. No excuses. I briefly hid in a corner.