by Ithilis_Quo » 29 Mar 2020, 03:37
So while I know how to do it, and prove that it works (hundreds of games) will share some experiences ( I know how selfish it sounds, but it doesn't matter while it's true):
200hp 23r -> lower range (still 5 more as others) more hp and dps, it need some kite but its not such critical as its actual is, and not cause so massive gap between too great move - too horrible move.
1aoe + firing randomness 1 rof = sometime will hit some units by fr
t1 bomber
increase EMP radius, and time 7.5aoe 3/2/1s -> this add some too great option for aeon while using micro., already is emp useless, it should not be
fix that good damn sacrifice so normal working model, if nothing else 90% ratio will allow to do some tricks
energy drain -1, actually 10e drain mean +37,5mass cost = 397,5m is really a lot!
add +0.1 speed
change target priority to acu fist -> this will make magic, while obsi die in numbers against OC, actually its not possible to spread them while some deep stupidity in ppl in charge decide that players should not have control ower own units.
cheap price is one thing but its super easy pizy solution.. blaze is ultimate crap because movement super buggy issue, it cant rotate gun, body kite, this is possible to fix, just copypast eq code and done, eaaasy
rework damage mechanism to deal Damage ower time. 4,5aoe 3000dmg/4 sec-> it allow to use against armies, and will not be snipe acu and win the game only, unit
more aoe, like 2,5
harbinger - sniper role change
who comes with this was pure genius - no kidding wasn't.
make main t3 unit sniper bot with a huge range and static gameplay was a total mistake, its far less fun to shoot something slowly from distance. throw units in is all time more enjoyable event.
harb is trash, need more speed if should have low range. and need to remove energy cost for the shield to -1.
remove damage underwater by aoe effect and its viable unit as submarine as well.. Also need more hp, like double
need far far better AA, like triple HP and be slower -> there is need to decide what this unit should be: AA counter or ground counter
When its AA counter it still lose to air, while air is so fucked in far, but its possible to make it at least viable and not power roll when air not get it down. If its slow, like 5sp then its valuable against mobile ground AA. But still and mainly it need like 100 000 hp, maybe even more.
"Fixed in Equilibrium" Washy