Nerf / Eliminate RAS option for SACUs

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Re: Nerf / Eliminate RAS option for SACUs

Postby keyser » 26 Jun 2020, 00:14

There is a whole rework of scu on going.
here is pr related to ras change on scu :

edit : i already linked that in the thread previously.
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Re: Nerf / Eliminate RAS option for SACUs

Postby Captcha-Lover » 26 Jun 2020, 12:18

I don't think that build time is a good way of nerfing ras. People will just build a few more hives or a bunch of T3 engis and continue as normal. It needs to be more expensive. I mean I do see that the build time neef is dramatic, but come on, build more hives or just T3 engis and there you go, same ras acu spam as before.
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Re: Nerf / Eliminate RAS option for SACUs

Postby rxnnxs » 26 Jun 2020, 15:14

Although I happened to play not much and never have,

maybe what I say makes sense. And while you are right now at tweaking the SACUs, it might as well be considered:

I had always problems to tell at the even third look at a sacu and even the ACU what Upgrades they have built.
Also there is much more love given to the design of the UEF SACu that the Cybran SACUS. the model looks not dangerous enough.

But this is my opinion:
Let all of us (even the beginners) see right from the beginning what upgrade ACU and SACU have.
You can this way better tell which you want to TRY to kill..

If it is already easy, could you please explain how I can see in a glimpse what ACU and/or SACU has which upgrade?

just my 2 cents
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Re: Nerf / Eliminate RAS option for SACUs

Postby Divinity666 » 01 Jul 2020, 16:17

How about nerfing sera sacu's oc?
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