yes because i totally gonna build mass fabs when losing
anyway like i said 10mins to pay off theres why building ras boys are retarded. Rambos wayy better
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Moderator: JaggedAppliance
Endranii wrote:If your mass fabs can be strated/tml'ed w/e then you have bigger problems than thinking about Ras lads.
Also why the f*** enemy have arty but you are stuck with fucking mass fabs and ras lads?
RedX wrote:Why can you not both have T3 arty and trying to kill each others' eco? This post makes no sense.
Deribus wrote:FtXCommando wrote:You got any idea how long it takes a ras boy to pay off its initial investment?
For the record, mass wise, it's exactly 10 minutes.
Compare this to a T3 fab + PGen combo which pays for itself 2 and a half minutes faster.
Derek wrote:Deribus (or anyone who understands the math): I want to make sure I'm on the same page. What math are you using to arrive at the 10 minute mass payoff for the RAS SACU? Here are my basic calculations:
For the build cost I have that a RAS SACU costs 6500 mass (not including the Q.Gateway, which complicates matters). It makes 10 mass/second. I divided 6500 by 10 for 650 mass. Then I divided 650 by 60(seconds) to get 10.83 minutes for payoff. Is this correct?
As a side, it can never be exactly 10 minutes or exactly any value for that matter as the one time cost of a Q.Gateway means that each subsequent RAS SACU is cheaper than the last. The first one will be the most expensive while by the time you've made your 20th the cost of the Q.Gateway is negligible.
Derek wrote:The obvious: This is the go to, late-game eco play these days. Compared to standing armies fighting over the map for mass point control, the risk/reward ratio leads the sensible commander down the T3 arties / game-ender path. There is much less reason to field an army if you can just turtle up and make these bastards.
Petricpwnz wrote:biass on his campaign to cleanse and remake every single map of FAF because he is an untolerating reincarnation of mapping hitler
biass wrote:Derek wrote:The obvious: This is the go to, late-game eco play these days. Compared to standing armies fighting over the map for mass point control, the risk/reward ratio leads the sensible commander down the T3 arties / game-ender path. There is much less reason to field an army if you can just turtle up and make these bastards.
Is that OP claims that RAS sacu removes the t3/early 4 stage of the game, which is not true. The stage ends and transitions to game ender stage after a point regardless of the eco option used. Remove sacus and the game will go to fabs and etc, because it's just not good value to end hundreds of thousands of units worth of mass to claim a few mex points.
You can decide what you find fun out of SACUS and FABs, I know what I would pick.
Elusive wrote:biass wrote:Derek wrote:The obvious: This is the go to, late-game eco play these days. Compared to standing armies fighting over the map for mass point control, the risk/reward ratio leads the sensible commander down the T3 arties / game-ender path. There is much less reason to field an army if you can just turtle up and make these bastards.
Is that OP claims that RAS sacu removes the t3/early 4 stage of the game, which is not true. The stage ends and transitions to game ender stage after a point regardless of the eco option used. Remove sacus and the game will go to fabs and etc, because it's just not good value to end hundreds of thousands of units worth of mass to claim a few mex points.
You can decide what you find fun out of SACUS and FABs, I know what I would pick.
Exactly, after a certain point the game reaches a stage where attacking via traditional means simply stops being an option. It doesn't matter if you have RAS spam, fab spam, or anything else, eventually there will be a point where it is faster and easier to build units to defend from attack than it will be to build units to use for attack.
This creates a situation where the only possible ways to advance are either a massive suicide squad of high speed, high alpha damage units (mainly strats) to take out key targets, or just to sit back and build game enders in the hopes of eventually overwhelming the enemies shields before their game ender overwhelms your own shields.
I cant be sure I must admit, but I do think the game was made like this because of the simple fact that if the game did encourage players to build 500 Percival to fight off the enemies 500 bricks as the proper means of ending a game, the lag would make it unplayable. So it was better to just encourage players to trans ion to more cpu friendly methods.
But regardless, lets just go on the assumption that sitting back and turtleing is unwanted, how would be best to change it that so it is not the primary option to advance at that stage of the game.
There would have to be a way to reliably advance ground and naval units to attack enemy bases, which means a few things. First of all, some form of mobile anti nuke, otherwise any attempt to attack is doomed to nuclear oblivion.
Second of all, reclaim. Whoever is attacking at an inherent disadvantage as they would always have less mass available, assuming all other things equal. Reducing the reclaim value accords the board is not an option, but specifically reducing it for t3 and t4 units could elevate this problem. But at the same time it cants be zero otherwise we end up with effectively totally broken Rambo SACU spam again...
Third, more options for precision/sneaky attacks past enemy defences. Transports simply dont work, they are too fragile, ASF too effective, and even with stealth omni radar would be too common at that point. That leaves teleworking in, which only 2 and a half factions can do (I count Cybran as half because telescoping with an ACU late game is extremely risky, and even if pulled off, its almost impossible to do it twice, at least compared too Seraphic and Aeon who can just throw as many SACUs as they can build at the enemy). So if every faction had access to non-acu teleport attack options, possibly even multiple, then it may encourage people to not turtle as much and instead shift to building telescope units.
In the end, im honestly not sure if it really is a big problem. I dont like how if any game goes on for long enough they always end up the same, but that is just an intrinsic trait of the game that cant be changes without some pretty big changes to many different things.
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