Solace Firing Pattern

Moderator: JaggedAppliance

Re: Solace Firing Pattern

Postby FunkOff » 10 Apr 2020, 09:55

I agree that Solace projectile needs more acceleration as a first step. Other measures may be required later.

As an aside, the comparisons to t3 bombers are apt but there is a key difference: T2 land/air cannot effectively shoot down a t3 bomber (no sam/asf) but T2 navy cruisers all have effective sams. As such, even a rushed Solace is nowhere as good against ships as a rushed t3 bomber is against land. So ideally, the Solace will need more hp/dps/etc than a t3 bomber to have the same superiority over tech 2.

Here are some other ideas to consider for buffs:
- Split target projectile (auto disperses to kill multiple subs)
- Powerful anti missile defense (like the t3 bomber but netter)
- Brief speed boost when it drops depth charges (to help escape the inevitable return fire)
- Teleportation after drop (teleports forward, again to help avoid enemy fire)

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Re: Solace Firing Pattern

Postby Evildrew » 10 Apr 2020, 14:46

Well, to improve the Solace vs T2 torpedo bombers, there are several paths but I think the following would be the best:

1) Fix the torpedo drop, the lag between torps dropping and hitting is what allows cruisers to down Solaces more than anything else. Torpedoes dropping down in a straight line makes no sense physically, there should at least be some angle.
2) Add flares, i.e. like torpedo defence, onto the Solace to distract some of or at least the initial AA missiles from Aoen and UEF (maybe every 2nd volley can be flared off), cybran cruiser missiles are less of a worry because they are slower to hit and sera cruiser AA is more like flak anyway.

If anyone can code these 2 things and it is not deemed "worthy" for the FAF balance team, I am happy to include them into my mod FA RTS with credits to the person(s) who make(s) the fix of course as usual.
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