(...in 1v1 ofc)
Since time immemorial the strategy of the various balance teams has been to nerf cybran, because they are the most popular faction by far. This is a bad strategy. Here's a short list of some reasons I prefer playing cybran over other factions (and you wont fix them just by reducing some building hp etc..)
- Aurora are insane weak on certain maps where you have to defend raids on multiple fronts
- Aurora cant raid
- Aurora vs bombers
- Aurora vs mongoose/hoplites
- Aeon has no way to kill t1 units efficiently in t2 (this is super important) !!!!!
- Aeon has no fighterbomber so no real way to use air control if u get it (gunship are comparatively garbage since they get countered hard by ground to air unlike corsair)
- I absolutely love restorer but sadly they kinda suck so no decent t3 gunship also no strat aoe so t3 air is worthless against land
- Frigates are bad
- Tmd is ultra garbage on some maps and god tier on others. Its super annoying to use
- GC vs Mega
- No t1 naval anti air so instaraped by torps
- t3 land is very strong in some situations and very weak in others
- Yotha is useless to begin with and then u add the fact that cybran has Mega and u never want to go late game (this is really important)
- no t3 gunship so air is pretty useless (important)
- no t1 naval anti air
- no destroyer
- have to build coopers for anti torp instead of spamming pure destro frig like cybran
- expensive battleship
- janus suck at sniping mex, power, other things. And they also arent all that great vs army either so similar problem to aeon: its hard to use air advantage on t2
- t1 bomber is useless
- no way to attack with t3/t4 land (fatty vs arty and t3 air)
Also just in general cybran is the only faction that can use t1 air because of jester (bombers are useless after expansion phase)
Cybran is fun to play because they actually have the tools to deal with every situation whereas other factions always have some crippling weakness that either forces you to play in a certain way (removing player agency) or straight up kills you.