by armacham01 » 09 Jan 2020, 21:48
25% sounds like a big boost. Repairing units already gives the advantage that the unit has 100% of the firepower. And we are already motivated to try to hold the location of a fight, afterwards, in order to scoop the mass. If you add to that, that the surviving units can be repaired at a discount, even just 25%, that's significant.
Does this include land experimentals? Maybe it shouldn't. Given how strong experimentals are already.
If you have a monkeylord at half health, you may want to ctrl-k and scoop it. But with this, it would only cost 37.5% the price of a full monkeylord to repair it back to full health. Especially if you want to keep your front line strong (instead of having zero experimentals at the front while you work on making a new one) the repair option looks better & better.
Since air units are so fragile, can we make the cost to repair an ahwassa/soul ripper at only 50% of the build price? Right now it seems very fatalistic in terms of: once they start taking damage, that's it. You just have to accept that they are dying. Meanwhile ASFs can get some air staging.
And if we get rid of the air factory from the czar, can we make the czar landable so it can be repaired? How often do people even use the factory ability of the czar, outside of phantom games? I saw some discussion of czar getting a shield so it could actually be used for something other than suicide attacks or base defense. Take away the factory and make it landable/repairable would fit with the shield ability.
Also, does this include buildings? We already have a 50% cost reduction for rebuilding on a wreck. Add to that 25% cost reduction for making repairs and that makes the t2 ACU push/PD creep stronger I think. Not sure that we want to make this tactic stronger.