3709 feedback thread

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Re: 3709 feedback thread

Postby FtXCommando » 22 Jan 2020, 12:05

All ACU die to any T4 that isnt an ML, regardless of upgrades. Upgrades like double nano + splash are more than capable of being countered by things such as mega. Singular nano and splash is often rushed on 5 t2 pgens to abuse at around the cusp of the t3 stage in teamgames and can be difficult to stop, but that's because the strat is difficult to stop for any faction really. You just build PD, range bots, and abuse air to minimize vet.

Walking around on front with ACU shield when enemy has 2 or more experimentals is just retarded regardless of faction. So any of these t4 assault situations are certainly defensive. Except maybe Seraphim.

Cybran have like 6 trillion different ways to respond to any of the situations you describe and aren't forced to hail mary an ACU, including the fact they have the objectively best land t4 for some reason.
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Re: 3709 feedback thread

Postby Wesmania » 22 Jan 2020, 16:22

You're right about all this, I just wanted to make a point that cloak doesn't let the Cybran ACU operate outside its base any more than other lategame ACU upgrades. Apart from suicidal rushes and risky exp sniping in the field the only use for cloak is to get an extra 15k hp, and I guess hide the ACU from snipes.
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Re: 3709 feedback thread

Postby Farmsletje » 22 Jan 2020, 18:04

There has been talk about making cloak more usefull but as of right now nothing concrete has appeared yet
FtXCommando wrote:
need to give him some time to blossom into an aids flower
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Re: 3709 feedback thread

Postby UnorthodoxBox » 23 Jan 2020, 01:27

Farmsletje wrote:There has been talk about making cloak more usefull but as of right now nothing concrete has appeared yet

I think most people would like to see cloak get the kind of regen nano does, or commander shields do when they are recharging after being depleted. However this does not really make sense to me personally as cloak in my opinion is not for fighting and tanking, it is for sniping important structures or units quickly and quietly while having just enough health to get home safely. It seems all the people talking about cloak just want it to be another double nano or 2nd shield situation.
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Re: 3709 feedback thread

Postby IceDreamer » 23 Jan 2020, 04:34

Are you trying to tell me I don't know how the Ion storm works? I've played this game 1479 times according to the leaderboards, I don't need to look at some .lua files to gain a solid estimate of what would happen.
(by the way, can you explain why you have 130 global games and no ladder games?)

Feel free to come back when you have some ingame pvp testing and a worthwhile proposal, not a holier than thou attitude and some "code".

Yes, I am telling you that, because I completely rebuilt what it is and how it behaves from the ground up. So, in fact, you do need to test it out. I don't know how up to speed you are with lua, reading it is up to you, but testing it is literally the purpose for the balance team existing. It's not up to the proposer to do ingame PVP testing of a proof-of-concept, and it never was. The balance team exists for that purpose, it's literally the balance councillor's job to round up groups of volunteers and have them test dozens of ideas in order to figure out what works and what doesn't.

The proposal is, I believe, still up on github, exactly where it belongs. And I'm not speaking about you personally, you might well not have been on the team however many years ago. I refer to the balance team in general, and their testing/proactivity attitude that has been below requirement for... Forever, in fact.

As for the games, I have no idea. I definitely played a bunch of ladder, and had a good few thousand global games. Hell, there should be a few thousand up there sandboxing alone. *shrug*.
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Re: 3709 feedback thread

Postby Azraeel » 23 Jan 2020, 05:20

I fucking sandbox my own balance shit for fun. I literally waste time making balance
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Re: 3709 feedback thread

Postby biass » 23 Jan 2020, 05:23

IceDreamer wrote:So, in fact, you do need to test it out.

I am not affiliated with the balance team in any form and thus do not "need" to do anything, thanks.

I don't think the balance team need to look either, hundreds of proposals of varying quality appear every day and if they needed to be tested by the team simply on the onus that "they were made," they would have gotten nowhere.
The team is made to develop the FAF mod, not to be a test monkey to a 900's spur of the moment balance epiphany.

IceDreamer wrote:The proposal is, I believe, still up on github, exactly where it belongs

Feel free to make a new thread for it and link it at any time and see what the public think about it.
If you actually have a solid proposal, letting it sit to rot on some code website does nothing.
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Re: 3709 feedback thread

Postby keyser » 23 Jan 2020, 12:09

biass wrote:
IceDreamer wrote:So, in fact, you do need to test it out.

I am not affiliated with the balance team in any form and thus do not "need" to do anything, thanks.

I don't think the balance team need to look either, hundreds of proposals of varying quality appear every day and if they needed to be tested by the team simply on the onus that "they were made," they would have gotten nowhere.
The team is made to develop the FAF mod, not to be a test monkey to a 900's spur of the moment balance epiphany.

IceDreamer wrote:The proposal is, I believe, still up on github, exactly where it belongs

Feel free to make a new thread for it and link it at any time and see what the public think about it.
If you actually have a solid proposal, letting it sit to rot on some code website does nothing.

Answering to icedreamer :
Afaik there have never been pull request about the ythota storm (only a branch) and none either for othuum.
As for the lack of testing of balance team, we do test pr and for ewample i can remind you that we made test of your beetle pr and even video of it to gather community pov.
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Re: 3709 feedback thread

Postby Ithilis_Quo » 23 Jan 2020, 15:44

Farmsletje wrote:There has been talk about making cloak more usefull but as of right now nothing concrete has appeared yet

For this: cloak field -> for defense with twilight should be nuts. especially with scatis that is units and not building.
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Re: 3709 feedback thread

Postby advena » 24 Jan 2020, 22:09

As for math, the most significant change in this patch is Blase cost change. Now it's dps*hp/mass^2 stat is 1,62
For comparison:
Rhino is 1,79 (worst T2 main tank)
Old Blase is 1,085
Old Wagner is 1,64
New Wagner is 1,36
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