by Ithilis_Quo » 25 Sep 2019, 00:01
If there is not some serious progress in general code, then personal shield on aircraft will not work. While it goes with hitboxes and way how they are made in air units. I tested shielded aircraft and only way how to do it is bubble shield.
But on czar is bubble shield serious problem, while czar is really a big unit, so even bubble must be really big what is problematic on two separate points.
First is that asf shoot center point of czar what can be very close to where shield end, so is possible that will bypass them.
Second, bubble shield is not eclipsing, its bubble, and can on some terrain easily hit the ground, where land AA will bypass it.
at all shield is not as good idea as it should sound like. Unless there is some serious code progress.
Looking into code from that PR:
at all its still 70K hp, while drain energy. Problem with czar and every air experimental is simply: super op air superiority fighter. That cost 350m and have 400dps. Compare to land units its as when brick will have 1120dps as that good asfs are. Blob on asfs what on time when air exp come surely exist and with 25 speed can reach any point on map extremely fast and attack single unit in any moment. At all it will go down nearly immediately. And only point for czar and ahwasa is jast fall down corectly to important targets.
In equilibrium add double range to AA missile, triple DPS to flak, increase hp to 150 000, create function factory that even work and nerf ASFs to 300dps, 20sp and 500m cost and then is czar kind of fine. Still didnt found it op.
So will not say more, but this change on these numbers will be purely cosmetic.
"Fixed in Equilibrium" Washy