Endranii wrote:Everything needs some kind of counter, never said it have to be DIRECT counter, soft counters are a thing. Honestly, if you think that answer to great t1 subs should be just subs then it's kinda pointless to discuss
Who said I assumed t1 subs to be great? Are they great? Are we talking about great subs? No, we are not. As long as the unit itself isn’t super strong compared to other units, it not having another counter except itself is fine. Your point?
Endranii wrote:So basically, you want is to have overpowered unit that can be just used without any repercusion on it's own tech level/field
What??? Where are you getting this from?
Endranii wrote:on it's own tech level/field
Them being t1 and torp bombers t2 doesn’t matter. Have you looked at the price of a t2 air HQ?
Endranii wrote:No but it just shows that there is available counter on corresponding or lower tech level. Which is not really true for subs, apart from static defences or an EXACT SAME COPY OF UNIT
Who cares about what it shows? Subs are super expensive and basically t2 units price wise, and torps hard counter them. It doesn’t matter that there is nothing to counter them on t1 since torps are cheap and effective. How often do you need to hear that to understand it?
Your entire point relies on this whole “but dude they are t1 units and torps are t2 units” thing which just makes absolutely 0 sense because air HQs are so cheap and subs being more expensive than torp bombers.
Endranii wrote:People were complaining that frigates are running back so they can't kill them fast enough, well guess what ofcourse they will run away as they have no way to combat subs, and the more you buff them the more ridiculous the sitation may become.
This doesn’t have anything to do with what you quoted, nor is it relevant for the discussion.
Endranii wrote:They also complained that someone might micro a frigate to take short to no damage from subs, well you can also micro the subs the same way enemy is microing the frigates while running away.Hell you can even get better DPS if you are on it as you already outrange the frigates that are running away
Again, you are just completely dodging the argument.
To the latter part:
- Locking isn’t an option
- Running away from a sub with a frig is easier than trying to catch a frig with a sub
That’s all there is to it.
Endranii wrote:Imagine complaining about having to micro your shit when enemy is microing his...
Imagine, I never complained about having to micro anything?
Imagine, starting to make stuff up because one’s arguments don’t make sense…
Endranii wrote:Imagine that you can also issue move order in the direction the frigates are running away so you can keep on chiping away at them, lol.
Yeah and then? He just moves it somewhere else, and if you don’t respond right away you lose it? “lol”
Endranii wrote:It's exactly the same fucking shit as when you lock frigate onto other running frigate
Yeah, and it doesn’t matter for the frigate, because the frigate isn’t nearly affected as much as the sub.
Endranii wrote:....for fucks sake it happens to literally every unit that shares the same speed and somehow you make it a problem for subs only...
You do realize, that this is especially bad for subs, right?
Endranii wrote:how delusioned are you
I don’t know, how delusional are you? I mean it’s not like it takes 1 min of sandboxing, right?
Endranii wrote:Still doesn't matter as the point stands. A unit with strong EVASION SHOULD NOT HAVE A CAPABLE BODY/DPS/WHATEVER ABILITY compared to similar mass units which are way more vulnerable on it's tech level and operating theater
No, your point doesn’t stand, you are quite literally wrong about 90% of what you wrote. And now you are just caps spamming things which nobody disagrees with anyway.
Endranii wrote:Doesn't matter, any of the buffs which are regarding DPS/BODY/Mass cost are dangerous for units with so much evasion on it's level.
Yes, it does matter because you are making stuff up about things other people say and then try to argue about it. Thanks for admitting it at least, I guess?
Endranii wrote:Even more as the evasion is soo good that it forces opponent to invest into higher tech if they want to reliably deal with it
Jesus Christ, do you live in some dystopia where t2 air hqs are never built because they are too expensive and serve no purpose other than to make torps?
Endranii wrote:Honestly I really don't see the point in discussion considering you don't understand why stuf that have evasion should never become too good
Ah and now you want to leave the discussion because apparently I don’t get your 10000 IQ arguments HMMM
Endranii wrote:especially when it have no counters on it's tier.
Again, it doesn’t matter what tier subs are, since they are basically t2 units’ price wise and the t2 air HQ is so cheap. I mean I also told you that twice now and yet you keep repeating the same argument over and over. Maybe it’s you who doesn’t understand the point?