Dear Supreme Commander Enthusiasts,
I have been thinking a little about the frigate and want to propose a rework.
I make my proposal in the light of the following Observations:
Big naval battles on high level meta maps like Setons, or big ladder naval maps, turn mostly into frigate pathing fiestas and Destroyers and especially Battleship fall off in terms of efficiency in large scale naval battles.
I don't think this is enjoyable at all, because personally I would prefer that late-game naval battles are dominated and won by late-game naval units, i.e. : Battlship, with Destroyers, Subs and Cruisers / stealth boats / shields adding utility.
Currently, that is not the case at all., because the frigate simple has too much HP. Its too effective, you get too much HP buffer from frigates. On setons, many games are decided by 100 frigates running into BP, tanking any damage thrown at them by low DPS high tech naval, and shredding all BP until they die.
It mostly bois down to who can make more frigates in shorter amounts of time, and naval battles are often decided before the first T2 or T3 naval units died.
Is this nice gameplay? NO! not enjoyable at all!
I propose a drastic rework of frigates stats, to change their use ingame. The rework reduce their HP pool by -50% (-40%, -30%) while keeping all other stats the same, but increasing their AA DPS (proportionate to HP nerf, i.e.: +100%, +80% or +60%)
I would vouch for a 50% HP nerf and 100% AA buff change.
I will look at the different interactions frigate have with units ingame and see if that interaction changes in a desirable way.
Now what does this change:
1. Frigate as raiding tool versus structures such an mexes, naval facs or engineers: mostly unchanged.
2. Frigates against Destroyers and Bship: they will die much quicker now, and be less mass efficient. People will make less T1 naval fac and spam frigates, but instead make more Destroyer +Shield boat or Sub armies. And, of course, Bship will be much stronger and wont get swarmed by frigates anymore. They should dominate frigates, much like T3 tanks dominate T1 tanks.
3. Frigates versus Torpedo Bombers / Gunships: Of course, the balance here would tilt towards the already versus strong and versatile Torpedo bombers. In order to tackle that, I would increase overall frigate AA by a percentage that is the same like the HP reduction. That way, they would still be able to fend off torps or gunships in a reasonable way. They already almost instantly shoot down scouts. Their ability to kill bombers and intis would increase, but I think thats a good change. it would change their nature from a "bread and body navy workhose" to "utility support ship for raids and AA protection". How exciting!
4. Frigate versus ACUs: having 2k or 1k hp doesnt really change the fact that ACUs just OC them anyway.
5. Frigate versus T1 Subs: T1 subs would get stronger, and I think thats a welcoming change.
6. Frigates versus Hover spam:
T1: Spam would get stronger, and frigates were the natural counter to spam previously. I think this is one of the more crucial impacts of this balance proposal beyond changing navy compositions. But since frig. vs hover spam is very much a setons issue I dont think its problematic in the light of the overall exciting and positive changes this would bring.
T2: Hover might be able to outvalue frigates in terms of mass, but hover has no radar, no AA and dies easily to destroyers, so I dont think that hover would completely replace frigs. But this could be tested.
7. Frig vs PD: would make PD much stronger as a tool to defend against frig raids. This might be a problematic area, but overall this interaction is still relatively rare and I think its okay to make frigs weaker in this aspect, as they are mobile and can just raid where there is no PD present. Further emphasizes the "raiding and utility nature" if the new proposed frigates role.
8. Frigates against anything else doesnt rally matter in my view, as T2 tank - frig interaction do not matter to outcomes of 99% of games.
What do you think of my proposed changes? I would like to invite you to a fruitful debate based on numbers and a proposed vision of future naval battles, please leave emotions, and old school thought out of this debate.
Thanks and best regards,
Bennis aka Partiboi69