On the nuke assist nerf. I like the direction of this nerf, but why wasn't it done the EQ way? Nuke BP 1080->1200 and SMD BP 1080->800. It doesn't nerf the nuke assist as much so you still get a solid boost from build power so Nuke assist would stay a thing even though it would be less efficient. Meanwhile as counter play the opposing team would have higher chances to defend from nuke rush via throwing everyting into SMD assist. This is better than just removing nuke assist from a game.
Beacon Class. This is ugly way to fix things. This was me who suggested the change and i made a mod which fixed aeon torp defence for Beacon and Exodus. The problem with these units was that the projectile is too slow so it causes torp defence to do random shit. For example when 2 Exoduses try to deny t3 sub torps they throw projectiles in
opposite direction from torpedo... For same reason Exodus can't protect nerby units and thus stack torp defence when there's multiple destroyers. So i made aeon torp defence behave just like one sera destroyer, gave it to Jagged... and he fixed Beacon torp defence leaving Exodus untouched. Ugh!
As it was mentioned. Beacon class is still much worse that other frigates. Could it please also get cost decrease to 250 like Yolo suggested a way back?
Renegade. So you fixed its targetting so it can shoot while moving now. ok. Why does gunship with lowest hp and dps need a cost increase?
Wagner. 6->15 damage whoa! That is 7.5 DPS still. Very damage much threat! The problem with Wagner that even if it could kill t1 sub mass for mass it would still be useless since t1 sub is generally piece of crap. Wagner could get 15 DPS with 20 range (from 32) and water vision 15 (from 20). It would let t1 subs deal with this unit from range, meanwhile Wagner would be a little bit better than causing ACU to regen slower.
Engineers. I like the speed increase, but the range increase to 7.5 for T1 and 10 for T3 would be much better for these. This would allow higher tech
(and bigger hitbox) engineers to start structures further away and prevent situations when your t3 engineer gets stuck in army of t1 engineers. Ofc some may say that it could be avoided by microing you engineers... but hey! we are dealing with retarded SC:FA pathfinding! Engineer may just think that building is 1cm further than its max range and come as closely as fcking possible to the queued building.
Eye of rhianne. Did you think that instead of adding a built-in storage to Eye, you could just make it consume less power? For example 3800e so you don't need a storage in a first place to activate it.
Restoration field. I love this change. Although i think the Restoration field was already a strong upgrade. It just was
other-upgrade-that-isnt-gun. I mean t2+restoration field don't work together very well since structures don't get a regen boost, nor regen field gets anything from T2. If you make gun+t2 you just use additional regen and hp in combat.
So what if Restoration field was on left hand and T2 was on right? Instead of common gun-T2, seraphim would get gun-RF.
Scathis. The model has 6 barrels and current version makes 20 shots per salvo. Not 18 so it is 3 per barrel, not 24 so it is 4 per barrel, but 20. grrrrrr

Freaks me out as much as if Pillar made a third shot from unexisting barrel.
ofc i have other complains to it, but does it matter anymore?