moonbearonmeth wrote:3. Give Firebeetles cloak
Emphasis on just the cloak bit, not stealth, you should still be able to see them from radar.
Anyway you already nerfed their damage a ton so you gotta give them something right?
And don't give me this 'but muh stealth generator' shit no one actually does this except some uber try hard pros and why should we balance the game around like 7 guys?
I play with a friend that is just insanely good at dropping on people. If I play against him I'll warn people that he's going to drop on them and he'll still pull it off. He plays Sera but also UEF, and while Sera drops are better he can still pull it off well with UEF.
Cybran... cybran drops just seems broken.
It seems like Cybran should be great at drops. They're supposed to be the assault/snipe faction right? Being able to drop well would make a lot of sense given their role as the sneaky faction.
Stealth works with transports, and Cybran even gets what is essentially a dedicated drop unit the firebeetle. On paper they should be the game's most proficient drop faction.
And yet they're not. Cybran drops are super rare. Transport capacity is just too low. Dropping firebeetles doesn't work any better than dropping tanks or T1 arty.
The drop style that has worked best for me is to wait til I have T3 land and drop 3 bricks and a deceiver. If I tech rush land, and hit T3 before anyone else, that can work well. Fire-beetle drops just don't seem to work out. Maybe if you get them early enough and your opponent packed his T1 power you could use them to power snipe.
Its also admittedly possible that I'm just bad and haven't yet figured out how to properly utilize Cybran's advantages when it comes to drops. I readily admit that stealth drops seems like it should be really powerful.