Yesterday in a game of setons i realised that the aeon t3 bs desperately needs a range buff. With a range of only 100(!) it is the worst battleship of all. It gets absolutly raped by UEF bs with 150 range, and it is not that great against sera or cybran either. I often hear that aeon battleship is more agile and has higher dps and therefore its short range is justified. But its agility and higher dps are not really useful in a normal game. Ofc a well microed aeon bs owns all other bs in some simple sandbox session. But the reality is different.
Aeon bs has 508 dps, the other three have 450dps. That is not much in a real game. Before you can even use that increased dps you have to come close enough to the enemy. Vs Uef bs, aeon can well be half dead when they reach firing range. So the increased dps is not really useful, if they die faster. Next point is the illusion of great agility.
I have made a simple demonstration picture why the Aeon bs is acutally not that great to micro:
I am showcasing the perfect formation, a concave around the enemy, to effectively use all your bs and not clump them together. Ofc in real games the concave forms around an eellipsis, but this is a simple example.
As you can see in the picture, the space of effective microing, which is defined by the small black line and the range of each bs, is far smaller for Aeon bs than for Cybran or Sera bs. That means you have more bs in that small space that need to be microed in that space to still be able to fire at the enemy. With less space, it loses agility and can't move really well, it can be really easily blocked by other units, such as other bs or frigs. Sera and Cybran bs have much more space in comparision. And if you happen to just move out of that space as Aeon, which is hard to avoid with such low range, you lose time in which the aeon bs can fire at the enemy.
Therefore Aeon bs needs a range buff.
I have also attached some replays. In the first one you can see me plaiyng against Robogear, and how i start to realise how shit Aeon bs are.
If you think Aeon bs range is fine, i have a second replay for you. In that one I simulate a late game strong eco naval battle with Yudi. He is Aeon Rock and spams BS, i am Uef beach and try to defend. As you will see in the replay, I actually win against Yudis superior eco and superior Battleship count. You will see that the Aeon bs range is the main reason why he lost.
And in case someone says that the shield boats are the problem and shield boats are invincible, i have also a strong eco late game naval battle replay featuring me as cybran Beach against Yudi UEF rock, and i win against him with superior micro.
Yudi is without question one of the best eco rock players, by far better than others close to 2k or maybe even 2k or higher. Considering all the active players, he is probably the best late game eco rock player.
I am not sure yet how to balance the range buff, but I want to hear and welcome suggestions from anyone.
Also you can still debate if shield boats are too strong or op. I am not really sure about that yet, so give me your thoughts and suggestions!