by Elusive » 31 Dec 2017, 14:41
T3 stationary artilary is classed as a T3 building, but in function and cost they behave more like a T4 building. Its very rare to see them not becouse they are bad (they are, in fact, very good) its just that most games end before anyone has reached the point of building a T3 arty. In a similar way the UEF T4 arty Duke (and Salvation, Aeon T4 arty) cost significantly more than the T3 arty and is only ever used in really long games of at least 30 mins, if not 40 or 50.
Some units are truly never used for being less useful then other options avaliable, such as the UEF T3 bot Titan, but artilary is allways a good option if you have the time to make one.