Seraphim Air (specifically the new gunships)

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Seraphim Air (specifically the new gunships)

Postby sasin » 26 Sep 2017, 14:43

I wanted to echo the other feedback and say good job with the patch!

I think the gunships were a great idea. In large part, this is overdue because seraphim air has very little distinguishing it (transports have more spots, the t1 bomber is nice, and that's pretty much it?). I never see air players on any map choose to play seraphim. It's a good idea to give them something unique.

The buff was essentially a 25% increase in both cost and effectiveness across the board, which amounts to a slight buff because the firepower is more concentrated, but essentially the same efficiency as all other gunships. Given that situation, I don't think they're buffed enough to make them stand-out at all relative to other factions. To make the gunships stick out, why not give them a slight buff from their new, current state, like a 5% speed increase, or a 3-5% decrease in price, or something. That way they are actually legitimately better than the other faction's gunships. Such a small change would go mostly unnoticed, but would give seraphim air one real advantage.
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Re: Seraphim Air (specifically the new gunships)

Postby Evan_ » 26 Sep 2017, 19:01

I think the idea of more concentrated gunships is pretty elegant. After all, they already do way better against flak than the other gunships.

As I said in this post a while back only a slight buff would enable 2 Vulthoo gunships to fly in and take out a mobile flak without losing either one (balance team also found a better balance between cost/power).
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