T3 mex and RAS SCUs too strong?

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T3 mex and RAS SCUs too strong?

Postby FunkOff » 23 Sep 2017, 01:53

It seems like players who turtle can beat players who expand and control more than half the map. In a recent 6-man free for all, I managed to kill my neighbor. When his other neighbor died, I took his spot too, thus owning 3 out of 6 positions on the map. I thought this gave me a good advantage in the game.... but to my surprise, I checked the score and not only did I not have more income than all the other players, one of the players with his small base had more income than me ALL GAME LONG.

Right now, the benefit to taking map control is fleeting: It has an advantage early on, but after ~10 or 15 minutes, there's no point in taking territory. Also, in the context of FFA, territory has very high HEAT (attracts attention) but very low VALUE (doesnt produce any more mass than SCU spam). It seems pointless to even bother with.

IMO SCU RAS needs a huge nerf... the mass production, at least.
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Re: T3 mex and RAS SCUs too strong?

Postby Farmsletje » 23 Sep 2017, 02:31


that's just the nature of FFA, and it has always been that way. If you fight your neighbor and after that hold an eco war vs someone else you're indirectly fighting a 2v1, so ofcourse you will be behind in mass.

In high lvl team/1v1 games ras sacu's are basically nonexistant because they take way too long too pay themselves back.
Also if you turtle in any normal team/1v1 game you just insta lose (not counting retarded maps like gap/thermo ofc)
FtXCommando wrote:
need to give him some time to blossom into an aids flower
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Re: T3 mex and RAS SCUs too strong?

Postby TheKoopa » 23 Sep 2017, 03:41

Good thing we don't balance based off of ffa

Well tbh there's no balance anyway but that's a different thread :^)
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