so I talked about this with Jagged and he told me to write on forum...
so why is cloak bad?
- super expensive
- give only 15k HP
- omni reveal ACU model (not show it is radar blip, like you know mole under radar)
- drain -3000 e
- can be targeted
so Cybran has no early/mid/late def upgrade, ONLY very late, that is not just bad, but super expensive
you know some one once told me, that you build steath gen in your base, build some moles, get ACU´s cloak ans you are well defended againts snipes ( becouse they have to choice what radar blip to target- just like ACU with subs under water)
if true I would have noting againt cloak as it is now
well not the case, any omni will reveal ACU, that you will see it as ACU, can target it with strats and kill it
about offensive cloak ACU, yea by the time you can afford it, enemy team will have omni tower, so remains defensive use...,
not even much good for that, because T3 scouts and GC and ground fire ( or just target ACU when scout fly over ACU)
so lets compare with Aeon for example:
you get +29k HP for 2500m, 130k e, -250e/s (cloak +15k HP 6000m, 750k e, -3000e/s)
so both ACUs are upgraded, then Aeon player need to build stealth gen in base
--- now only scout can find Aeon ACU ( just like Cyb´s) , Aeon has way more HP then Cyb and can get it much cheaper and much earlier
- show cloaked ACU under omni as radar blip (like mole on radar)
- make it much cheaper ( similar cost to sera second nano)
- increase drain from -3k e/s up to -8k e/s