There are still quite some inbalances currently in faf. Some of them can be seen as faction diversity (Like bad t2 pd for cybran, but good mml's), while other inbalances makes some units so bad they never see any play.
You can treat this list just as an extra opinion of what i think are good changes to the game.
One final thing: These balance changes are mostly from a teamgame perspective and less from a 1v1 perspective, as well as a UEF/Sera perspective, so keep that in mind.
All factions:
- t3 Mass Fabricators: Everybody knows that t3 mass fabs are straight up garbage compared to their counterpart, t2 mass fabs. If you do some simple calculations you find out that the t3 fabs are 2.5 times as expensive in mass cost and drain 2 times as much e. First of all it is incredibly counterintuitive because it's the other way around with pgens: The higher tech level they are the more efficient they become. There are some advantages to the t3 fabs, like a shorter buildtime, more hp and that they don't ke as much space, but the cons outscale the pros by far. I know that by making mass fabs too good it would encourage turtling more which would be a bad thing, but the current state of t3 mass fabs is so bad that a buff will barely affect it at all. What i'd suggest is to change a couple of things: Increase the mass yield by a small margin (3-4 more), 5give t3 fabs a larger adjacency bonus while at the same time lowering its death weapon damage (5k dmg) by +-50%. t2 mass fabs will still be better in most situations, but i see this as a first step for making it 'just garbage' instead of 'absolute garbage'. Just like the multiple iterations the janus undertook it might take some patches for the t3 mass fab to find it's place, but i'm hoping it's place will atleast be higher than trash can level.
- t1 torp launchers: While t1 torp launchers are a good counter to subs, they perform really bad versus frigs. It's good to buff them but it wouldn't be good if they would straight up slaughter t1 subs. Both the UEF aeon and sera t1 torp launchers do 300 dmg every fire cycle (4 sec) and the lowest hp submarine, the sera one, has 400 hp, but when facing torp bombers its torp defense is able to take out 1 torpedo which basically sets its hp to 500. So by increasing the torp launcher volley from 300 dmg/volley to +-450 dmg/volley it won't affect the subs that much, but it will kill every frigate in 5 cycles instead of the previous 7. The cybran torp launcher is a bit different because it already does more dps than the other torp launchers, but you can basically do it the same way but with other numbers.
- ACU hp upgrade: According to faction diversity cybran should be an aggressive faction, but cybrans are the only faction without a good hp upgrade for the midgame. The cloak upgrade can't be seen as a valid hp upgrade because it has way too many downsides compared to its counterparts. Imo it's just stupid that aside from the first +-7min and some cheese later on the cybran com is absolutely useless in a straight up fight, therefore i recommend adding an extra upgrade between the stealth and cloak upgrade, purely for some extra hp. For example: Let the upgrade add 3k hp for 750 mass and remove 3k hp and the 750 mass cost from the cloak upgrade. This way the acu becomes a lot more versatile without any downsides.
- Obsidian: The obsidian is known as a strong but impractical unit. The main reason for this is its low range and its inability to deal with both t1 spam and acu's. After looking at its stats i recommend buffing its cannon shot from 480 to 500 dmg. What this will do is hugely improve it's performance versus UEF and sera, which are known for being the best t2 land factions by far, because of the pillar/ilshavoh hp:
The increased shots will barely have any other impact other than on the pillar and ilshavoh which means it will still be bad against the earlier mentioned weaknesses, but it will solidify it's position as t2 destroyer and it might give aeon another option to counter mass pillar/ilshavoh spam (instead of harb rush).
- Navy: Aeon has always been bad versus hoverspam. Not only on setons, but also on various flooded adaptive maps have i seen aeon get demolished by t1 arty spam. There are a couple of possible options i can think of. The first one is to add a deck cannon on the destroyer and in turn lower the dps from its oblivion cannon a bit. The second more easy option is to lower the dmg of the aeon cruiser cannons from 140 to +- 90 dmg, while also shortening it's reload time to keep the same dps. It won't be much, but this will help aeon atleast somewhat to deal with 170 hp fobo's.
- Pillar: Harbs to 300 dmg shots and pillars have 1500 hp. To encourage aeons to use obsidians instead of harb rush it could be an option to increase the pillar hp to 1505 but i'm not sure about this.
- Zthuee: Seraphims t1 arty is one of the most powerfull/versatile tools in its arsenal. They can be mixed in lategame army compositions and still be relevant. I don't have any issues with them on the land, however i do think they are way too strong in the water. The only real answer to them is frig spam but on 10x10 maps, take flooded tabula rasa as an example, you often don't have enough room to spam enough navy facs to counter it. I'd suggest lowering the movement speed of them on the water to give them a slight debuff, while its land balance remains the same.
- Athanah: Sera is weak at t3 land because its siege tank is quite bad. Instead of buffing the tank and having more generic t3 unit x vs t3 unit y battles it would be more interesting to buff the t3 mobile shield to encourage less generic unit compositions whilest making it stronger at the same time. This could also increase the use of shield disruptors.
I'd say to lower the masscost to +-450 mass and lower the buildtime to +-2.5k
- Notha: Because its bombs are easy to dodge notha's are mostly used for sniping important structures (namely t2 pgens). The UEF t2 pgen however just outlives 2 notha bombs (1175 dmg / bomb) with 150/2500 hp left. I know that UEF is supposed to be the defensive faction with more hp, but because the notha already has very limited use it should be able to 2 shot the pgen imo. Therefore i suggest buffing its dmg to 1250 / bomb.
This is all i could think of right now. Maybe i will add more later on, who knows.