t1 floating artilary especialy phim is too good in late game

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t1 floating artilary especialy phim is too good in late game

Postby doctor brachman » 20 Jul 2017, 15:36

T1 arty Is currently usable as a longer range mobile tank with excellent damage, and while it can be out microed in small numbers on 5k ladder matches it is a massive problem in longer team game or even 1v1s (especially as the best counter for it is seraphim too) the arty is too cheap an can be overwhelming in Roanoke's abyss games as it can get into small roving bands and get everywhere. even if you build pd on the islands t1 can be out ranged and t2 especially aon can be overwhelmed. as gyle said on his channel something must be done as it can be too effective even in the t4 stages and it feels sploity.

as a balance change, as gyle said it needs to be much more expensive or stationary to fire so it cant be used as a tank in runby's
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Re: t1 floating artilary especialy phim is too good in late

Postby keyser » 20 Jul 2017, 15:44

it's a triple baby

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Re: t1 floating artilary especialy phim is too good in late

Postby FtXCommando » 20 Jul 2017, 16:48

I thought this was a place for serious discussion.
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Re: t1 floating artilary especialy phim is too good in late

Postby zeroAPM » 20 Jul 2017, 19:49

Aww i missed it
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Re: t1 floating artilary especialy phim is too good in late

Postby Lieutenant Lich » 20 Jul 2017, 19:49

No, doctor. Fobos are one of the few good things that Seraphim have and if you have a problem with them, make frigs or battlecruisers. t2-t3 gunships also work well as do ravagers.
Don't complain about that which you aren't willing to change.

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Re: t1 floating artilary especialy phim is too good in late

Postby FtXCommando » 20 Jul 2017, 20:55

Ravagers are countered by t1 arty spam.
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Re: t1 floating artilary especialy phim is too good in late

Postby doctor brachman » 22 Jul 2017, 12:00

Lich King wrote:No, doctor. Fobos are one of the few good things that Seraphim have
exactly the seraphim's best feature is a boring spam attack which does not encourage exiting or good play the answer would be to buff seraphim e.g improve the chicken and t3 land but to nerf all t1 arty across all factions.

also the artillery is so much more versatile than frigates and if you secure the sea and spend allot of mass in doing so they can now push their arty on land and overwhelm you because on land investment you are now at a mass deficit.
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Re: t1 floating artilary especialy phim is too good in late

Postby FtXCommando » 22 Jul 2017, 22:43

The chicken has been improved to help it deal against t3 spam already.

T3 land, sure a buff or two could happen. Maybe -25 less e cost per t3 mobile shield or something would work out well.

Your opponent has secured the sea and has spent mass to the point that he can spam t1 arty to take advantage of his navy control. With all this mass spent, what have you spent your mass on? T1 phim arty isn't OP. Naval dominance on water maps is OP.
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