It never drops the bomb. Once a little rock gets under it when it has to drop it DOESNT drop. 2-3 swings and dead without dropping a single bomb.
Force it to drop the bomb damnit
Forged Alliance Forever Forums
Moderator: JaggedAppliance
Endranii wrote:Ground attack.
IceDreamer wrote:Stop trying to micro it. Seriously.
I keep trying to reproduce this complaint, time and time again, but I can't. Give it a good run-up, select a target, and leave it the hell alone. It drops.
Nepty wrote:Now that problem is somewhat solved, I have question about the wassa.
The bomb explodes twice according to its animation, but hits once for some reason. Would it be logical if it actually hits twice?
The total damage can be divided into 2 segments. It might be more effective at eliminating weak shield generators.
According to my observation the bomb explodes ( and fractures the terrain in 3 directions). It charges shortly after and explodes again.
The bomber should at least have the ability to completely destroy a isolated tech 2 shield generator in one pass, in my opinion.
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