wait, are we talking about giving seraphim non traditional units?

I say yes, especially given the fact that t1 subs are the way they are for sera, but I do advocate for the t1 torp bombers to be only effective against t1 subs (damage wise), ya know, to negate the lack of an average t1 submarine in the sera navy. call it a subhunter if you will

maybe 75-100 damage per pass, make it cost a little more for its damage output than the t2 torp bomber would, so t2 torps will still be more viable (kinda like the jester approach).
oh, and do something funny with how the torps work on this one, per say: circle around the ship first or anything along those lines, to make it even less effective against t2 (most t2 navy units have torp defense)
''problems'' with this balance: sera will be the only faction in the t1 stage that can effectively clear their bay of a t1 sub navy denial without moving their acu or a considerable amount of buildpower into the water.