Regen.First of all i like that Zock gave us T2/T3 regen back and moved combat upgrades to earlier stages of game.
Even thought Zock reduced regen nerf so it doesn't make combat upgrades obselite, i still don't think this is nesessary change. Althought i understand the logic that Tech upgrades shouldn't be used for combat as effectively. So i'll suggest it again: implement Nomad feature so T2 adds +10 constant regen + additional 10 only out of combat but standard +20 hp/sec for cybran.
Combat upgrades.Now i'm worried about one thing - Cybran. The Cybran ACU is simple formality against fully equiped combat ACU. You won't stop that ACU unless you put t2 PDs or make snipe.
This is why i suggest to give cybran torp upgrade a land usage:
-Speed 1.7->2.0
This speed boost wouldn't affect the game play a lot exept let you keep your ACU out of enemy vision range. Ofc i don't believe someone would bother about 0.3 speed in cost of 1500 mass. So imagine if torps on cybran com could transform to direct fire weapon like Wagner, or AA like Monkeylord, or to MML style weapon to break t2 pds from range with ACU himself.
HP reduction. I'd like to add extremely valuable one eco unit to that list. Mass storages. Right now mass storage has absurd 1600 Hp. That's even more than Pillar. If you go for raid or snipe, you will never touch this building because that's too much time wasted for no real reason.
I suggest to change them next way:
Cybran: 1600 HP-> 500 HP
+1 hp/sec
Aeon/Sera 1600 HP-> 600 HP
UEF: 1600 HP-> 700 HP
This way even if you don't kill a t2 mex you still damage enemy eco. Or you can just go for storage itself if you aren't sure you would kill a mass extractor in time.