I have had constructive feedback (thanks for well-based arguments) and here's what was suggested (Quotes do not have the precise wording but they say the same):
biass and FtXCommando wrote:Why the Aurora buff? It's strong already
Shall be unbuffed then.
biass wrote:Mongoose with 900 HP will be even more OP if used properly
Shall be unbuffed then.
Ithilis wrote:-2 mass +1 dmg for Striker changes nothing.
So it shall be kept the way I changed it, since it does not change anything.
Phelom (In a conversation after a test) wrote:Thaam now kills Striker no problem. It has 28 DPS vs. Striker's 25, hence taking less time to kill it than it (striker) takes to kill Thaam
I added 3 damage to Thaam's projectile and set the firecycle to fire 1.25 seconds instead of 1.3. I'll test it vs. Aurora and Mantis and then see if it need to be nerfed. It probably will need to be so I'll set the damage of each shot to 32 and see how Thaam will perform then.
Ithilis wrote:The changes need to have a purpose. This mod is more about Titan and Loyalist
The purpose is to balance the game to favor no faction and make each one have approximately equal chances of victory, leaving good strategic and economy managing skills the only way to win, not by using OP units.
Planned changes for the next version (If an area is not listed, it is not going to be changed):
Play around with Thaam, balance it so to not make it OP.
Remove Aurora's HP buff but keep the increased cost.
Lower Cybran Frigate's AA muzzle velocity
Try to change Percival's fire cycle to shoot 1 800 damage projectile every 2 seconds so it overkills less.
Lower the energy cost for operating a Mass Fabricator.
T4 Buildings:
Look at Novax Satellite and Absolver to make the satellite be more efficient vs. shields but keep its efficiency vs. units the same. AKA make it do more damage vs. shields but the same vs. units. Or change its firecycle to fire more often.
Make gun cost the same as T2, see how that plays out
Test current UEF Nano, buff it, test again and see if the issue was fixed. At the moment, when Hawkei gets Nano, all his teammates look at him as if he is crazy
Nerf RAS energy output. Idea taken from Plasma_Wolf, I believe, who suggested to keep mass income the same but nerf energy income.
Make Seraphim splash gun cost less so it is used more often. First one to say "It'll make the gun OP!" - remember that ACUs cannot hit air units.