Anyone who 100% objects to any nurf to RAS leave now, your feelings will be hurt. Now, its stupid that it's better to go some t2 pgens then RAS, and at such early stages of the game. It should be better to have to go at least one t3 pgen first (I suggest 2-3).
EDIT: ARAS is also stupid, it should not be beneficial to do these two upgrades so close together at such early stages of game.
Benefits of this:
Delays t3 air spam
Creates targets that will significantly hurt a players economy at later stages of game since ras is done later
Makes other ACU upgrades more appealing into later stages of game since RAS stage will not be reached for longer
Above also incentivizes more com drops, so games are 100% more fun
Ruins all air slot meta, so all maps with air slot will be improved
Air players will rage at this idea
The idea to nurf RAS will make it seem like troll idea, when I am 100% serious.