by Um ZiniZini » 11 May 2016, 09:52
Ok on paper it sounds legitimate. I just remember once I sent a few T3 uef gunships vs the T4 Assault Bot but it didn't shoot anything down, it misses a lot. If it shoots down t2 gunships I guess and 500 dps 1.5 aoe doesn't sound bad. I just don't like the idea like say of Big units( battleships, Experimentals) having these small weapons sometimes that do nothing. Like the t3 UEF summit 4 rail guns AA with 14.12 dps or the t3 galaxy class battleship with 20 dps torpedo damage(torpedoes which get shot down anyway). It would be nicer if the summit had no AA at all or say it had improved T2 flak aa. I mean currently the summit cant shoot down air really with those guns, Galaxy class also does poorly vs one sub with its torpedoes, one on one vs T2 cybran sub the battleships goes from 47000 hp to 32250 hp in a pure torpedo based battle, it would be better if it had no torpedoes or stronger torpedoes than 20 dps or torpedo defence or something that makes it just noticeable that this ship indeed has something worthy of recognition below deck. I just don't like to think of this fantasy realm of supreme commander where the engineers thought like hey " lets make this big awesome battleship and put on these small futile AA guns on the end", or " lets make this battleship but with a twist give it useless torpedoes" , or " lets make a big stupendously powerful unit but give it like t1 A" its the concept thats really bothering thats all