HARMS are clearly massively op. HARMS can lose to t2 hover without dealing any damage, lulling the enemy into a false sense of security. And in a fight between 5 frigates and a HARMS the harms will easily kill 1-2 frigates every time before dying. The HARMS will even allow it's torpedos to be killed by frigates while taking damage itself, adding to the deception and lulling the enemy further into your build power. Clearly this OPness is a problem. Test replay of awesome HARMS attached.
Many players I've heard think only battleships, destroyers and cruisers can kill harms. They aren't aware of the ability of the HARMS to lose so dominantly to frigates. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp2H9x1 ... C8n&t=4210 sorry BRNK :/
Perhaps the OPness of the HARMS is being masked by this lack of awareness. Until people realise i will continue abusing the OP HARMS.
Long live Brackman
Edit: I should probably post some sort of suggestion shouldn't i? Obvious one is stop them from taking damage from lower tierd units. Certainly stop their projectiles being killable by zero micro frigate ground fire. Perhaps removing stealth function will allow more room to change attributes without making them navy auto win. Yadda yadda yadda...