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Postby tatsu » 26 Nov 2015, 20:57

In my honest opinion. there are two things about current balance that irk me.

t3 arty is way too op.

I think it's a problem that nowadays you're literally called bad at the game if you don't build it and try to go other routes when you hit t3.

I really don't find arty fascinating. why is it that it's so ridiculously buff?

I don't find a valid reason for it to consistently get you a win before nuke or tp SACU or t3 bombers do. it's kinda ridiculous how fast it is nowadays.

also the ion storm has been nerfed into oblivion.

it's chances of dealing damage at all to units within range seem to be 1/10 from what I can observe and the damage in question is tantamount to a t1 pd. the roaming has been canceled altogether.

If you're gonna nerf it that hard why not remove it from the game altogether.

Sera is already the fewest played race. there's too many things wrong with it and we do all this in the name of the zhuee.

I don't understand this reasoning. if the zhuee's the problem then nerf the zhuee not the other units. there's more than one fukin tier.

the ion storm (I'd like to highlight) is one of the unique faction traits of this game. this is the only card we basically have when we're confronted with people telling us there's no faction diversity in FA and we're removing that as well.

Much like the cybran t2 detroyer or the UEF novax : it's the only unit in the game across all four races and all 400+ units to have it's own ability

making it not count at all is basically saying well that's one less unit.
the sera's ion storm used to be a lot of fun to behold.

now it's just a bitter reminder of what we don't have.
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Re: Balance

Postby briang » 26 Nov 2015, 21:05

When did T3 arty become OP? You are the only person I have ever seen complain about it. Do you have any idea how expensive it is?

The Zthuee is not the reason behind ANY change to seraphim. Pretty much all of the changes are done in the name of the Ilshavoh and fixing the Othuum. Nobody is trying to nerf them.

Overall I rate this post 10/10 for crazy, incoherent ranting.
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Re: Balance

Postby Iszh » 26 Nov 2015, 21:09

I can understand somebody who tells t3 arti is op if you compare it to t3 units you can easily reach this opinion :)

Take 10 trebuchet and try to attack them with 20 bricks/percivals just as a big group no micro. I am not even sure if you dont micro them if 1 percival/brick will arrive alive. I think it is only trebuchet and the sera arti a bit op. They simply have to much splash. I told be fore if you make a cube 3x3 with sera t2 shields even a fatboy has problems to go through, shield disruptors have problems to go through, trebuchet goes through like knif in butter if you target the middle shield generator.

Just as not realistic example make a 4x4 sera t3 shield cube and try to kill it. fatboy cant break it. shield disruptors cant break it. Trebuchet again kills this easy in low time. Seems that cybran must have to break any defense easy watching the balance. t2 mml unstoppable t3 arti unstoppable.
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Re: Balance

Postby briang » 26 Nov 2015, 21:14

I think he is referring to static arty.
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Re: Balance

Postby Iszh » 26 Nov 2015, 21:32

Thats the same thing. cybran has big splash while others have low splash. Even for t3 stationary arti thats the same.

Splash >>> Accuracy
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Re: Balance

Postby briang » 26 Nov 2015, 21:36

No, totally wrong with static arty. The low damage of Disruptors make them useless compared to the other arty. Combine that with the fact they barely ever hit their target and it is by far the worst. Why are you even discussing this? He is saying that Static T3 Arty as a whole is OP. Clearly that is not the case.
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Re: Balance

Postby Iszh » 26 Nov 2015, 21:39

calculate mass&e cost to relative cost of dps it is not a big difference since the cybran arti costs less mass and has lower e usage. static arti is not op but thats a game ender light. with several t3 shields you can easily resist 1-2 t3 artis. i already had such games on this twin river map 5:5 8-)
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Re: Balance

Postby tatsu » 26 Nov 2015, 21:58

what about scathis. that thing is priced like a t3 arty yet it works like 5 arties.
it took two hits to down my t3 shields and the second hit killed the shields and everything underneath.
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Re: Balance

Postby Blodir » 26 Nov 2015, 22:11

T3 stationary arty is actually completely OP since it's 90% of the time a game ender on 10x10 maps (what most people play). I know a lot of people are probably fine with this as they don't like games dragging out or something, but I think it's retarded. Scathis is even worse.
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Re: Balance

Postby Iszh » 26 Nov 2015, 22:19

i think t3 arti as a gameender is needed like it is. It appears when there is already exp unit spam ongoing. But scathis i was strongly against this thing like it is now. It is really op thats true but i see the minor problem in it to be op i see the other problem. Does anybody know a super gameender of cybran? 200k mass+ they dont have anything anymore and in teamgames when it comes to endgame they need another faction. Thats definately not ok that cybran has no option here anymore. I told leave it as second mavor and everything is fine. Cybran have enough useful exp units. I would be a big friend of the idea to bring it back to its normal use and leave t3 stationary arti alone in this 80k mass weapons. Cybran has already the best stationary t3 arti why they would need a scathis? And finally cybran can start to built on seton or other teamgames a real gameender again.

You know i am uef player but since seton is random i sometimes became cybran there and it feels comfortable to play them but you always have the feeling there is simply something missing despite the fact you need it maybe in 5% of your games you have no option over 80k mass.
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