I can not remember a game where the person that upgraded to RAS did not win when their opponents had no RAS upgrade. Based on this observation alone:
1. I think RAS needs to be restricted and I suggest it be put in the restriction options to check off in the box after you host your lobby; OR
2. Develop, under options/game options after starting the lobby, a build restriction on upgrading commander and SCU to RAS. Even though its a build restriction, putting it under build restriction would not give players proper in your face, spelled out all the way notice, so putting it under options/game options gives full notice.
The game is already complicated in building energy and mass without figuring out the best time to upgrade commander to RAS (resource allocation system). Upgrading to RAS can dwarf your opponents economies and doing it well can make the game extremely unbalanced, practically at any point of the game. The game is inherently unbalanced when teammates share economies (three ways to share) to rush experimentals. However, taking a rushed experimental out of the equation (only by telling everyone not to), then restricting RAS, it will level the playing field if everyone is equally smart/skilled Since upgrading RAS can be a timely and semi-complicated process, and upgrading mexes and building energy reactors is already complicated for noobs, we should restrict RAS. I think the game is mainly about noobs becoming experts and it will be too complicated to eco normally and upgrade RAS, making current ranking more skewed. Lets give noobs proper training and a chance to shine in the ranks by practicing without RAS addicts.