Hello all
I'm in the process of finishing up a Cybran 1v1 Guide over on the wiki http://wiki.faforever.com/index.php?title=Cybran_1v1_Guide
If you are under 1400 on 1v1, this guide SHOULD be useful. I think. It should help you understand what to do playing as Cybran in 1v1s and what to expect playing against them.
I'd like to update the Aeon one that's already there and then do a UEF and Sera one, and possibly create a General 1v1 Guide that's currently redtexted on Lextoc's Beginner's Guide. I'll need help with this, and the other factional guides, because I don't usually have this much time to keyboard warrior it up writing tutorials and know the other factions less well, although it has been fun .
If you are a good player and want to add or correct stuff in that guide, post it in the discussion page for the Cybran guide and update it in the text, so we know who changed something and why, or just post here if you're too lazy to get wiki account. Naughty.