Transport Banshee robot

Moderator: PhilipJFry

Re: Transport Banshee robot

Postby GamerDreams2019ns » 28 Apr 2020, 18:47

Ok, managed to find the mod units I wanted.

Windows search isn't helpful so I have to use Dos to search for it. Hope this will help some gamer looking for specific mod units.

(1) In Windows, right click mouse at the lower left hand of Windows to call up the menu (I don't know what that menu is called), select Search.
(2) In the Search box, type "CMD.exe" (type in without the quotes") to go into Dos prompt.
(3) In Dos, change to your mods directory (or folder) using the "CD" command.
Example "CD Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance" (type in without the quotes").
(4) Type in "Findstr /s /i advanced battleship *.bp >Unitsname.txt" (type in without the quotes").

The "/s" will search all folder and its sub-folder.
The "/i" will make a non case-sensitive string search.
The "advanced battleship" is the string we look for.
The *.bp is the file to look for that specific string.
The ">Unitsname.txt" will save all the matching string of folder, file and strings into this Unitsname.txt

Then use notepad to open this Unitsname.txt file to read the where the units are.
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Re: Transport Banshee robot

Postby Uveso » 28 Apr 2020, 19:13

You can also use Windowsprogramms to search for files or strings inside files like Astrogrep:
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