Comm front as air

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Comm front as air

Postby Evan_ » 24 May 2017, 18:05

If you are the air player is it a good idea to support ally pushes with your comm?

I rarely use RAS while going for air so that often leaves the back slot open for my ACU (because I only play UEF). So is it a good idea to grab gun, shield, and t2 and attack the enemy?

Assuming I'm reasonably cautious while I attack, manage to not fall too far behind in eco/air, and grab some manual reclaim from enemy wrecks, is it worth it to go combat over ras?
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Re: Comm front as air

Postby speed2 » 24 May 2017, 19:10

Dangerous to do with random team as you really need to make that extra ACU count before you get hit by T2/T3 air. That also means you can spent less resources on air as ACU upgrades are E expensive so you'll be behind on air.

So if you decide to do this, it's better to win the game fast. Spamming T1 air mostly to get air control (while your opponent will most probably go for tech/eco first) and kill your opponenst fast with both air and extra ACU advantage.
Also some of your opponents getting air factory wont hurt as they can support with inties and do their own bombing when air is won.
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Re: Comm front as air

Postby ZLO_RD » 29 May 2017, 22:02

Depends on map.
Setons = no
Canis = yes
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