This is probably a good replay of how not to handle a fire base?
Good replay for heaven maybe?
You seem to have good ideas, but you do them too late.
- Like you know you need mml vs pd, but first you get some mongoose that do nothing. (don't build mongoose if you can't micro them 24/7)
- You know how tmd works, but don't rush tmd after getting all your t2 mex sniped or better after scouting his tml?
- You get a nice percy drop after having t3 for a long time, when you should drop the first percy that you build. (since 1 percy can't do anything in front of a fire base, but if you drop it, it can have a big impact)
Also remember to use the range of both mml and arty properly. You had both too forward so they died. (btw most t3 arty doesn't fire while moving, so don't micro them too much)
Don't get impatient, just put mml/t3 arty at max range and focus down the pd/shields 1 by 1. Simply put some units in front of them to block incoming units trying to snipe them. (use a (mobile) shield to protect against suicide bombers)
Those are some of the things i thought of while seeing your game. I surely didn't explain all your mistakes, but i'll let other/better players explain it.
Last tip: Think about how he killed your base with t2 air. Why don't you do that yourself? You can do t2 airsnipe before minute 15, instead of minute 40 like he did. So next game when you see t2 pd up again, just get t2 air and kill his power/base. (ignore the pd, since t2 pd can't kill air, so no need to kill it initially)
Hope this has any value, and next time you'll able to beat him.