Naval 'superiority' and the t2 sub

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Naval 'superiority' and the t2 sub

Postby ladderff » 15 Dec 2016, 20:37


I have observed that in general the mainstay unit of navy in team games and 1v1 is the T2 sub hunter, which except for UEF is itself a submarine. Is this correct? Is there a way around it beside building more subs? For UEF, I keep reading on the forum that UEF has arguably the best navy because of Cooper+Bulwark, but I am not having much success with it. Even when i go into a pitched battle with more boats than the other guy and I micro the shields and serially target his subs, I seem to lose to T2 subs regardless of opposing faction.

Also, is there ever a reason to build the UEF battlecruiser? It's billed as the naval superiority unit, but blows against anything underwater, so, unless your opponent is UEF too, what's the point?

Any thoughts?
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Re: Naval 'superiority' and the t2 sub

Postby Mephi » 15 Dec 2016, 21:15

the destros are the main combat unit on the t2 naval stage, subs are too easily countered by torps
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Re: Naval 'superiority' and the t2 sub

Postby MayorDamage » 15 Dec 2016, 22:03

if you control the water surface you gain an advantage for all air fights in the area, use that to counter the subs with torp bombers. mix in frigs and cruisers and any number of subs will die to just torp bombers.
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Re: Naval 'superiority' and the t2 sub

Postby Exotic_Retard » 16 Dec 2016, 01:19

if anyone builds subhunters, if you have the same mass investment in coopers + shields then you simply park your units on top and win. they are that good.

subhunters can be used vs t1 subs and vs sera destros but theyre not really that good, since as other people say they cant shoot stuff on the surface.

fixed in equilibrium of course :D
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Re: Naval 'superiority' and the t2 sub

Postby codepants » 20 Dec 2016, 05:48

Early game sub hunters are king, yes. Once a few destroyers get out they can pwnzr subhunters.

Late game what happens sometimes is people focus on t3 units which have no torps or torp defense. So if your opponent spams sub hunters then yes, they can get back naval control quite easily. If your opponent has good unit diversity (t3 supported by destroyers), then no, don't spam sub hunters.

If you are really losing battles where you have more coopers than sub hunters and there are no other factors, post a replay we'll go from there.
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