..feels like losing battle for me. Auroras being paper are countered by PDs, Fervors are also weak HP-wise so they die quite fast if opponent cares to go after them and in the same time they feel also quite weak against com so they are not really worth amassing.
Also because Aeon t1 is overall more than decent i tend to overrely on it and it ends up with my enemy going for t2 PD and after that there's hardly a thing i can do. It just feels like Aeon cant push at all til t3/t4 hits. Feels like they are good with punishing enemy aggression with kiting Auroras or Mercy snipes but they lack on the offensive.
How do i raid as Aeon? You cant just throw 2 tanks and a scout and hope for the best since if 2 Mantis come in your defence party is dead if you dont micro and if you do it hurts your frontlines since it requires quite an attention. Im actually afraid of the maps with chokepoints now.
OC vs early t1 PD works, kinda, sorta, but still if enemy have a comparable army size its extremely hard to gain ground. The run-bys tend to get the army killed instead of swarming enemy base.
Is this an Aeon-specific weakness that everyone experiences or is it just me not being able to adjust for it?
I mean, you can get in range of the enemy base using Asylums and whatnot but then you need to just sit there and pound him before going further which gives him time to build a new PD or amass new portion of units.