Hi, I thought some people would find it interesting to see my opinion on current power levels of factions in 1v1, so without further ado this is how I would rank the factions:
4 being the best and 1 being the worst at that phase of the game.
A short overview
Early T1: Mantis are able to raid very well due to their fast movement speed, Auroras have hard time catching up due to their slow movement speed. Striker and Thaam are very even.
Late T1: Speed doesn't matter as much anymore when there are enough units in the battlefield to prevent raids. Auroras can abuse their range advantage effectively. Cybran's are still strong due to Medusa stun + in big battles inaccuracy doesn't matter as much anymore
Early T2: Ilshavoh are still the strongest t2 bot. Medusa is still useful in t2 stage (due to stun) which smooths out cybran t1-t2 transition. Obsidians are weak when there are still many t1 units on the field, because of overkill
Late T2: Obsidians become much better now that there are less t1 units on the field
Early T3: Harbingers dominate with their fast speed and damage output, this is the single biggest powerspike for any faction. Cybran can use Loyalists similarly, which is why they come as second place. Percivals suffer from the same problem as Obsidians, slow and tons of overkill. Also Titans kind of suck. Seraphim is only downhill from here, Othuums are bad in every way and sniperbots work only situationally
Late T3: Now it's mostly t3 bots and there likely won't be much raiding anymore, so Percivals dominate. Bricks are also good. Both Aeon and Seraphim are far behind in this phase of the game
Experimental: Early on fast Monkeylord can end the game, and even later if they go unseen due to their stealth. Megalith dominates direct fire experimental fights if microed properly + it also is able to reclaim the wrecks of exps it just killed! The Galactic Colossus is way stronger than Ythotha, especially if you hug it as a good abus... khrm micro-master should. Fatboys can be pretty strong actually as long as the UEF player survives the initial direct fire experimental - which is often not the case.
Feel free to ask questions
Yes I am well aware that this kind of representation of power curves has a few problems (like not showing how significant the differences between each faction are)