Say there is a team 4v4 Rohan game and none of us know each other. I am in the middle and after reclaim I try to tech up my first factory to an HQ so to spam Pillars (I am almost always for UEF). But when I start making them and I have 20, I see the opposing side already going T3 air and starting to make ravagers and I am the lowest on the scoreboard. What do I do on Rohans for that shit to not happen? Because it happens pretty damn often and it is very annoying. I know how to win over an opponent with equal or inferior forces (or superior forces and inferior strategy/eco) but problem is - usually I am SO behind that my forces are much inferior and by the time I make Titans or Percivals, I either have too few to attack efficiently or they would be completely useless against the fortifications.
This is to be an open conversation on Rohan strategy and tactics.