is there a way to stop this as sera? at every teir they are heavily outclass in speed, making some maps impossible.
at t1 anyone is bound to lose a mex or two to mantis, thats just how it goes, if i make it to t2 i think I'm in the clear but between vipers and hoplites its impossible to keep all my bases up long enough to create strong t2 army. even when i do, its not like they can't immediately intercept it or bombard at long range, making it really hard to do much. at t3 it isn't better, what am i supposed to do vs loyalist? yenzee? eventually i can get some sniper bots online and start denying this, but by then he has gained a huge advantage. i occasionally play the reg supcom (steam multiplayer) and have found that the ilshivoh has a speed of 2.9, solving this issue for the most part, but here i can't find a solution. and please don't tell me to get more air -.- seraphim air vs land sucks, hard.