Drones, early game

Moderator: PhilipJFry

Drones, early game

Postby Valki » 12 Aug 2015, 14:25

Two days ago I played a game against a UEF player, which I easily won by the way, but still. He went for an early drone upgrade, and right off they were very annoying. Reclaiming my early raiders and engineers. Later on he was constantly capturing mexx's left and right (or forcing me to Ctrl+K).

The only thing I could do against it was build static AA everywhere or send mobile AA to all mexx's. I got some interceptors ASAP but they would not attack the drones.

Am I supposed to build/position AA everywhere?
Am I supposed to let the drones capture stuff and then destroy it and rebuild?
Am I supposed to intercept every drone with mobile AA?
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Re: Drones, early game

Postby Reaper Zwei » 12 Aug 2015, 17:49

pretty sure that inties are supposed to be able to kill those drones and that the fact they cant right now is a bug that needs to be fixed.
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Re: Drones, early game

Postby Misaniovent » 13 Aug 2015, 17:31

Reaper Zwei wrote:pretty sure that inties are supposed to be able to kill those drones and that the fact they cant right now is a bug that needs to be fixed.

Yeah I've definitely noticed that even T1 AA, both static and mobile, really struggle to hit these. They're incredibly strong right now.
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Re: Drones, early game

Postby Gorton » 13 Aug 2015, 17:56

Make a bug report, with replay : viewforum.php?f=3
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