I was asked to remove this write up from another thread as it was off topic. So I have created my own topic.
Feel free to add your advice for new players.
You wanna get good at ECO, I mean really good.
Step 1 Build the Hydrocarbon plant first
Step 2 Build all the T1 Mexes (Mexes = Mass Extractor) you can get at before you upgrade any T2 Mexes
Step 3 Build an air factory first, then build a land factory, or if you swap it build the other one on your 2nd factory so you maintain flexibility.
Step 4 Build 1 power storage so you can Over Charge If you need to.
Homework: Learn what the hell is Overcharge
Step 5 Once you have built all the T1 Mexes on Mass points that you can start upgrading them one by one. Use one, two, or three engineers to speed the upgrade process. Upgrade one at a time.
Step 6 Start using T1 engineers to reclaim.
Step 7 Click on your eco meter and change the readout from -number to -% so you can see how fast mass and energy are flowing in or flowing out. This is your speedometer. You don't want to be going faster or slower than you have income if you can avoid it until you have upgrade as far as you can. You also don't want these bars full ever, that means you are spilling mass over into your allies or into oblivion. It is far better to be able to pour that mass into units and that energy into the construction of units or upgrades. If you find yourself constantly maxing out, you need to increase your build power, and also build a few more units of storage. If after adding some storage you are still maxing out, then you need to drastically increase your build power.
Questions: Post it...
Step 8 Having upgraded 3-4 MEXES to T2 you have about 50 mass income now, you may be able to upgrade 2 at a time, or put more than 3 engineers on each upgrade sequentially. CONCEPT: There is a limit to the effectiveness of adding more engineers to a build task. The best practice is usually to stage three idle engineers at 2 MEXES, and only upgrade one at atime, and then when one upgrade is done, sent those 3 engineers to the next MEX and start the next upgrade. Around this time assess the tactical situation, decide if adding more factories or upgrading your first factory to T2 makes sense. If you are past 5 minutes start the upgrade of the factory first before doing 2 MEX upgrades at the same time.
Step 9 having upgrades all your mexes, having upgrade one of your factories to T2, start building T2 engineers, use the T1 engineers who are idle to build Mass Storage around the T2 2 mexes only. The cost of the storage is offset by the return in mass you gain by doing this to a T2 MEX,
Homework: Observe this in game by doing it and checking out how much mass you pull in after doing this.
Bonus Homework: Observe the amount of mass you pull in with an surrounded by storage T3 MEX and a T3 MEX with storage, it is substantial. Rule of thumb, DO NOT UPGRADE T2 MEXs to T3 until you have storage around them.
Step 10 With T2 Engineers build some T2 power plants, You will need 2-3 of them. Then upgrade your ACU RAS upgrade.
Step 11, With ACU RAS in place, continue to upgrade your T2 MEX storage until they are all surrounded. This will put you over 100 mass on most maps, then upgrade your T2 MEXES to T3 again using the same process as before, sequentially in series not in parallel.
Step 12, this will take your mass income over 300, At this point you can continue to increase mass income by building T2 MASSFabs or T3 MassFAbs and associated power generation in order to better provide resources for your factories.
As time permits get this shit under shields!
Continue to upgrade your factories as you will need a T3 engineer or the ACU with the T3 build module to get T3 Fabs/Energy.
Sometimes called the T4 eco, you can build SCU gateways and build SCUs which can RAS as well, and become mobile power plants which also general mass. Pretty cool huh. If you can follow this build order while also kicking ass you will do well. Practice of the order of operations helps smooth things along.
Once you understand how excess energy can be converted into mass via mass fabs, you can supplement your economy and smooth the transitions from one stage to the next as well. I also use power storage to help level out power shortages due to battle damage or pressing build needs. Keeping those resource bars between empty and middle level means you are building as fast as you are taking in resources and building military power as fast as your economy is expanding.
I also use templates to smooth the APM required to handle all the eco while focusing on the tactical situation and strategic picture. For Example, you have a dozen MEXES each requires mass storage on 4 sides that is 12x4=48 precise placements. I use a template code named QMS, Quad Mass Storage where I simply click it once and can place it around each mex in the same way.
Another template I use is 9PS, 9 Power Storage, to put a 3x3 grid of power storage down, this is relatively cheap to build with a T1 engineer at any time, and if you stick it under a shield pretty durable. This can help smooth over power losses and keep your ability to field a fighting force more resilient. I especially like how I can get my ACU to do ARAS, (Advanced RAS) in 15 seconds when I have enough of the 9PS templates built all around.
I am not ranked highly, and I don't routinely win, games, but I do routinely exceed the economic development of my competition at the level I'm ranked by doing this and you can too.