General Status Update

General Status Update

Postby Zock » 03 Jan 2014, 17:03

Hi, i want to give you a brief status update about the progress on the patch and the future.

2 of 3 month of the patch period time have passed, and due to inactivity of a big part of the balanceteam members, we are quite behind with the patch. Pip and me did a lot work with the theory base behind the patch, and while it is not beeing as finished as i'd have liked by this time, we aren't too much behind there. There is a big lack of test games however, not only because of me and the other balancetest members got busy in RL and couldn't play much, but also because there are not many balancetest games from the community.

To make sure the patch will have the best quality possible and will have the theory behind that it needs, but also be polished and tested sufficently, some things need to change:

First, we'll add 2 new members to the team, RA_Nombringer and LaPPen, to replace the inactive members Brainfart and Galacticfear. I'm hoping to play more myself aswell. But even if the team had 100 members, the amount of testgames will never be enough (little example: League of Legends tested a patch with some 10.000 people for a few month, and they still had to do hotfixes and many changes to it afterwards), and a larger pool of data helps a lot. Everyone can help to make sure this game gets the patch it deserves by just playing games with the balancetest gamemode, independent from player skill as long as the game is balanced skillwise.

Additionally, the deadline for the patch has been removed. Every change will get the time that we think it needs to make sure it will be polished. But as some of the smaller changes won't need as much time as the bigger ones (i.e. t3 air), we decided to split the patch and release it in parts. This way you can already play with our smaller fixes that are finished, while we get enough time to work on the bigger ones.

We aim to release the part of the patch with the smaller changes on the original planed date by end of january. We will focus on this changes now to finish this part as soon as possible.

After that, we will continue to work on the bigger changes as long as needed. As Roadmap i'll aim to have the t2/t3 land finished after 1 additional month, as the theory base for that is already quite good already and it just needs to be tested. t3 air will take longer, there is still a lot theory work to be done before we can even start to polish it. But it might take more or less time as needed.

As usual, feedback is appreciated, especially of people who played with balance testing :D

This thread can be also used for general discussion about the patch/balanceteam, not related to single changes.
gg no re

ohh! what a pretty shining link!
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Re: General Status Update

Postby Xinnony » 03 Jan 2014, 17:56

Possible to add my change (#71 and #72) before or in next patch ?
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Re: General Status Update

Postby Zock » 03 Jan 2014, 17:59

I think you mean lobby changes? We have nothing to do with lobby updates. The balance is seperate.
gg no re

ohh! what a pretty shining link!
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Re: General Status Update

Postby pip » 03 Jan 2014, 18:08

The current balance Test mod is based on Shadowknight's list of uncontroversial changes (without the biggest changes). I put it up a bit fast because I don't have much free time these days, so please test and report any issues you may spot.

The more games will be played on it, the sooner it can be ironed out, fine tuned and released.

Xinonny, I will look at your changes later and see if I can add them next week.
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Re: General Status Update

Postby Xinnony » 03 Jan 2014, 18:49

pip wrote:Xinonny, I will look at your changes later and see if I can add them next week.

Thanks PIP <3
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Re: General Status Update

Postby IceDreamer » 03 Jan 2014, 22:18

Nicely worked out Zock, it's the best way.

Welcome to RA_Nombringer and LaPPen, hope they'll be a bit more active :p
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Re: General Status Update

Postby Nombringer » 03 Jan 2014, 23:49

ShadowKnight wrote:Nicely worked out Zock, it's the best way.

Welcome to RA_Nombringer and LaPPen, hope they'll be a bit more active :p


Reporting in as active, Sir.
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Re: General Status Update

Postby pip » 04 Jan 2014, 19:15

Some guidelines to test for anyone willing to play the test mod and help fine tune it:

- for quick 1v1 games that don't reach t3:
It's important to test Aeon vs UEF to see if Aurora nerfs and UEF bomber and Mongoose buffs are enough to make the match up more balanced. Other 1v1 between Aeon and the other factions are also good to jauge if the aurora nerfs are enough / too heavy / not enough.

Additional things to test : Jester and Restoration field as an alternative to gun upgrade (resto field + ilshavoh strategy)

- For Team Games:

The above are interesting in team games too, but the main changes to test currently in team games that reach t3 are t3 gunships and sera Destroyers and t3 subs + Strat subs on naval maps.

Additional changes to test: Seraphim Restoration field level 2 in firebase wars.
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Re: General Status Update

Postby pip » 28 Jan 2014, 00:20

First version of the patch (without the big changes to t3 air and t3/t4 land) is basically finished, with lots of additional improvements and bugfixes. Please test it for the remaining of January to see if everything is in order.
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Re: General Status Update

Postby Aulex » 28 Jan 2014, 05:28

pip wrote:First version of the patch (without the big changes to t3 air and t3/t4 land) is basically finished, with lots of additional improvements and bugfixes. Please test it for the remaining of January to see if everything is in order.

Did you nerf health of hunter by 1?
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