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In specific, but not exclusive:
Sera destroyer/t3 sub
static flak
Forged Alliance Forever Forums
i always wondered about this: ... 04,UAL0205 it doesnt seem logic in any way, i think it's bad
Ato0theJ wrote:The seraphim t3 sub is sort of OP, but it is sort of justified as seraphim is the only faction without a naval experimental. Uef has Atlantis, cybran has megabot, and aeon has tempest. Without a really good t3 naval unit, seraphim would be vastly UP at t3, the same way when everyone cried about the Percy being OP, but everyone justified it by saying that they had no direct fire experimental, which was true. Unless if Seraphim gets a naval experimental(that can build units, as they also lack a mobile factory), it isn't fair to Nerf their best naval unit. The tempest is getting a buff, and a good mix of coopers and atlantic are already good against t3 subs, but cybran are still at a big disadvantage, maybe match the megalith torp range with the sub while bumping the anti torp reload up to 10 seconds or so, not sure how that will go though.
TL;DR: Don't nerf the t3 sub, boost cybran and aeon t4 naval slightly if anything is deemed absolutely necessary.
A destroyer Nerf may be fair if the beam mod is implemented, but that will have to come after the mod itself.
Ato0theJ wrote:T... as seraphim is the only faction without a naval experimental..... Without a really good t3 naval unit, seraphim would be vastly UP at t3,
FunkOff wrote:
I agree with this. However, I think a better strategy is the re-tool naval TML and SML launchers. With an improved TML and SML, the sraphim carrier and bship will be overpowered beasts... but manageable. T3 sub spam being unbeatable on the ocean just sucks to fight against. It turns naval battles into air battles... ASF spam :-/
Axeleration wrote:Yes, I mostly agree with what you said, but about cybran shouldn't we also count in that they have Harms which can hold the fort while ground firing?
Well, if anything, then maybe a slight nerf at t3 subs air capability
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